Born in LA not far from where i am living now, although not in westchester. I think i was born somewhere over near venice.. in a green house my mother sometimes passes and says "thats where we lived." At the age of four we moved to my home in westchester. HORRIBLE color, so then repainted a bit etc.. my mother then had rachel (She was pregnant when we moved). After this the years blurred as I went to Loyola Village for two years, then to Brentwood Science Magent from 2nd grade till 5th.. and on to LACES for 6-12th grade. Throughout these years I visited europe, the carribeans, most of the hawaiin islands, states all over the US, Germany and a few other places I'm sure im forgetting. Over time i developed my interests, got involved in too many school activities and eventually graduated high school in 2002!! Now I am attending UC Irvine, and perfecty content and happy where I am, I would not have chosen any other place. maybe. haha. So now i am in the midst of earning my Bachelors of Fine Arts with an undecided minor. Well, thats the short version of my life excluding any of the disasters or hardships because I don't have the room nor the time to go into anything too detailed ;o)

Overall I need to thank those who have helped me get through everything, especially a few choice friends who know who they are and my father who was always there for me. And Rachel who can always cheer me up, and for making me laugh even when I wanted to be mad at her.

Many things interest me.. I love movies. I can get lost in a movie quite easily, and hopefully will someday be able to work with them in some way. Photography is another passion, ask anyone .. its hard for me to go places without a camera. ;o) I also enjoy writing, plan on a book someday which some of you know what it is about..hehe. Basketball is something i do to release stress, and there is nothing better than making a perfect basket. Art of course.. in any form, collage, drawing, painting, computer graphics (flash, dreamweaver, amorphium, photoshop, illustrator, premiere etc), designing, printmaking.. music. Music of course, but as that i am in college is hard to find a secluded piano to play, but mabye somehow i'll find a way for me to keep practicing even away from home. Other interests/phases i've gone through have included not just the 15 years of piano, but okinowan sharonru for 5 years, girl scouts (shut up) for my whole life since kindergarten, and of course various art classes here and there. I love working with children, i worked in a daycare for 5 years, worked as a nanny for one summer, also babysat constantly and worked as a regular babysitter for one family.. a year straight every weekend for atleast a day straight. Lemme tell you, its good money. And its way more fun than any job i've had, current one included. I'm interested in pursuing many things, many fields and am always open to new experiences.. =] cept for rollercoasters. just TRY and get me on one of those, yea emmy, im talkin to you, TRY IT! hahaha..

Goals for the future include a Bachelors in Fine Arts (obviously) the a Masters as well. After this I have many career aspirations, one of the main ones is to always be doing something i enjoy and never get stuck in a job i hate. I want to work in theater designing sets and costumes, in film, in graphics/special effects, in advertising doing anything from movie posters to commercials, in design in general, open lots of my own shows with my own art, and eventually become a teacher perferrably to a grade K-4. I dont really want to be rich, just comfortable and content, and eventually retire and live by the beach somewhere quiet and clean.