Download your favorite Jem MP3s! All of them are pretty good quality.

I have almost every Jem song on MP3, so if you want to make a request E-mail me and I will email you your songs, since I don't post them here as often. (some songs are MP2's)

(*requested songs)

Jem And The Holograms
We Can Make A Difference download here
Something Is Missing download here
Too Close download here
Happy Ever After download here

The Misfits
Gimme Gimme Gimme download here
It Takes A Lot To Survive download here
We're Off and Running download here
Who Is She? download here

The Stingers
Mind Games download here
Stinger's Theme download here

Duets and Other
Jem and Misfits "We're Up You're Down" download here

Want to make a request? E-mail me

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