Sunday, August 10th, 2003

Eight years for Mars bar attack

Posted by G @ 11:02

A man has been jailed for eight years after stabbing his twin brother during a row over a Mars bar.

Thomas Waldie, 35, attacked John at a house in Kirkcaldy after falling out over the chocolate.

Waldie, who was on release from a life sentence when the assault happened, was said to be "extremely remorseful".

Passing sentence at the High Court in Edinburgh, Lord Hardie said it was "a senseless attack".

Waldie, of Shawholm Crescent, Pollockshaws, Glasgow, was originally charged with attempted murder.

But the Crown accepted his guilty plea to a reduced charge of assault to severe injury, permanent disfigurement and danger to life.

Waldie admitted struggling with his brother, punching him and repeatedly striking him with a knife at the latter's home in Dysart, Kirkcaldy on February 14 this year.

Advocate Depute Angela Grahame said Waldie, who was jailed for life in 1987 for murdering a pensioner, was released on licence in November last year.

Bought sweets

On the day of the attack he visited his brother and went to the shops to buy sweets, soft drinks and alcohol.

The court heard that John and his girlfriend fell asleep, and when they awoke Waldie asked if he could have the remaining Mars bar.

The brother said no and Waldie stood up and said he had had enough.

He then took out a knife and attacked his brother, stabbing him twice.

The victim suffered a punctured lung and was discharged from hospital three days after the attack.

Defence counsel Jock Thomson QC said the twin brothers had a "fairly horrendous past in terms of serious crimes of violence".

He said Waldie, who had his licence revoked after the attack, was "extremely remorseful".

Passing sentence Lord Hardie told Waldie that although his brother "was no stranger to violence" he was entitled to be protected like any other member of the public.

He said: "I would be failing in my public duty if I did not pass a sentence to mark the gravity of this offence."

Story from BBC NEWS: click here
Published: 2003/08/08 14:03:22 GMT


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