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St.NiCks NeTbAlL

Welcome to the homepage for both the primary and secondary netball teams of CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School.

Although most of the pages are not done yet, we would appreciate it if everyone could visit the site often to just see the designs and all. Don't forget to sign the guestbook to leave your comments!



p.s. If anyone has a picture of a bright yellow netball please send it to me, Jeanne or Milli...thanks! :D

We're all in the middle of the North Zone tournament right now...both teams have successfully progressed to the second round of the competition with straight victories. :D The C Div schedule for round 2 is as follows:

19th Feb->SNG vs Riverside
21st Feb->SNG vs Sengkang
24th Feb->SNG vs SJC + tentative trip to the Heeren...;)

See Our Guestbook
Sign Our Guestbook