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One and only.

shelley marie

anywhere but here.

pina coladas.. and getting caught in the rain. hmm jk






Welcome, bienvendidos. This site really serves no purpose but to keep me entertained. (as you can tell, it doesnt take much...sigh)i know its girly...i'm ashamed. anyway. if you have anything you'd like me to add...anything at all, just let me know. well i suppose its better than xanga :/

Pubclic Announcement

I have ideas just pouring out of my head, do you want me to put them in a bath and bathe with them? Because thats what soap is for.

August 1, 2004
Dear diary.
"O i wish i was as certain of the end of all your troubles as that of your momentary start about the authenticity of the Imagination. I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Hearts affections and the truth of imagination - what the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth - whether it existed before or not - for i have the same idea of all our passions as of love they are all in their sublime, creative of essential beauty..." sigh.. isnt keats beautiful.
anyway. i love rebecca. the end. whats your anti-drug? sex. and what is your anti-sex? drugs! OY!
id love finding someone. well id love finding nemo. *straight face*
g.o.d. til i d.i.e.
me and becca had a long talk about everything, we got it all figured out, we're making changes for the better. the new trend:: appreciating life! thanks becca :)

june 16?, 2004
i completely forgor i had this site. i was trying to make a shitty xange, then i remembered! of course, i can just use this. perfect. so now i have a bitch page just like everyone else! yay. so yes its been a while. lets see. i went to ireland and now im swimming everyday it seems. this summers just flying by. next week i get to work @ science camp. theres nothing more i like than teaching kids science. well... im off. because yes. this too bores me. :) adios

April 10, 2004
okay here goes.gah.. itsnt this the most amazing place. its beautiful no doubt. id live there in a heartbeat. its like its own little fairy tale.isnt it strange how everything is more uniquie and exotic outside of america. having these dreams just set me up for a huge let down. but eh, at the moment i dont care.

April 9(maybe), 2004
i love this picture.i have decided to delete all previous entries and start over.

Speak OUT

Save the Whales
Plant a Tree
Ocean Concervancy
Red Cross


Youth Gethering



its quality...not quantity