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This is being written right after Rosh Hashanah. The services were beautiful, fears that tightened security would disrupt services proved groundless, and Hantes Cohcn and his ushers did their usual effective but unobtrusive job inside the building.

Men s Club welcomes Mitch Feinman back. Mitch and Sarah have retumcd to the area
and rejoined Beth Ohr.. On Sundav, November 3 Mitch and Sarah \`ill sponsor the break~st, in honor of their three new great-grandchildren, and aftenvards Mitch \`ill present a prograrn on his favorite subject, "Mamalushen - the Mother Tongue." In prior years Mitch conducted Yiddish classes and presented several programs here, all ofi which were well received. The man's a pro.

The Men's Club Phone Squad is now a reality, thanks to nine volunteers: Harvey| Cohen, Phil Rabino~vitz, Morty Kamenitz, Ira Karlstein, Ira Donenfeld, Elliot Leibouitz, Mike Babst, Don Tash, and Bob Nagler. This squad will relay the information in Men's Club email messages to those members who don't have email. So much can be done when enough people volunteer!

Sunday, Septernber 15, we were scheduled to erect the sukkah. This edition probably 1 ~von t come out before that. If it does, I want to urge all members to stay after breakfast ~nd help with the construction. If it doesn't, I want to thank Herb Goldenberg and his ~orps of volunteers for getting the job done with such efficiency.

On Wednesday, September 25, at 7:30 p.m. we'll have our Men's Club Succoth Barbecue, ``ith dinner in the sukkah. Get into the festival spirit v~ith us.

Invoices for Men's Club dues will be going out soon. Pay promptly and you ll be! eligible for our Atlantic City trip Thanksgiving eve. If you don't want to go to Atlantic Cih; pay your dues promptlv anv`~ms The $1,000 we re pledging to the congregation to help furnish the neu office and library \vill put quite a dent in our finances. Your!
dues will help hammer out that dent.

Thankyou for your support,

Allen Appel
