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  Sason Le Klee's HomePage [v2.1 gamma]

   Another shortee song in the music section. I've been productive lately, it's bcos this spring. The smell, the warmth, the feeling all over ;)

   I've been working hard lately. But also making a lot of new music. I finaly started composing music for theatre! There's one show in my hometown that I'm making music for, and it should come out at end of may. You can have a 'sneak peak' at one of the themes. I'll put more when it comes out. Also one more new funky song to move yo ass off ;) Music section is the place to go. Thats kinda all. Hope yaal been good :) Write back ya heaa!

   Ok, I uploaded new song (which is in working progres) for you to hear whats new! I like the sound of it... More about it in music section ofcourse.
Also I added some cool new linx for all of you music freaks out there, as well as couple of new names in music that I like for you to run to record stores and buy.

   Long time no hear! Yep... What to say, I've been busy. Busy and lazy. You know, pre-Christmas time. I am working on some new music (as always), but it just seems not to go so fluently. And I don't like forcing myself to do a song. So I'm waiting for the inspiration to come, hope that holidays at home will help :) So I didn't add any new content, just wanted to say:
Enjoy Christmas time, and lots of love and health in New Year. Already 2004, time flies!
Talk to yaal later!

   Finally, Guestbook is active. Bravenets thou, but I don't know how to write a guestbook, so this is fine too. Now you can leave comments on this site, or whatever.
Also some new names added in music that I like.

   And one big hello to all De:LIGHT Duel visitors ;) I know what you are doing now :)) Thought that you will find some booty here, no sir! This is my homepage. Listen to some of my music, check out some audio links. Otherwise, bye bye and thanks for the visit :)

   New gallery online! Little bit more private nature pictures. Some funny, some not. To reach it, click on bottom pic on the left. Thats all.

   31.10.2003 (couple of minutes later...)
   New feature added on the page. I wrote short comments on the musicians and bands that I like to listen. This is thought of as a place where you can find some new names in music to listen to, if you are looking for new music. Here is music that I like. It will be updated here and there, ofcourse. Enjoy the music!

   Minor bugs on the page fixed :) As kindly suggested by admin ;)

   29.10.2003 (later in the afternoon)
   One short orchestral song uploaded. Find out more in music section.

   29.10.2003 (early in the morning)
   Some new cool linx added! Also preparing some pictures for new gallery.
For all of you who like jazz, and live near Zadar, listen to my one hour radio show on Radio Zadar, tuesdays at 21h. Yesterday was Jim Hall in concert, next tuesday listen to Wes Montgomery's Full House Live. The page for the show, named Groovement, is under construction. Expect that one online also pretty soon!

   Gallery Online! Couple of pictures from the gig in Maya Pub in Zadar. It was 9th of september. GoTo gallery, or click on the thumbnails on the left, same shit... I'm still waiting for the pictures from other two gigs. I bet there are some better pictures there.

   Still thinking of putting some pictures online. I just got some nice pics from the gig I played with friends from Amsterdam. It was summer, we played in Zadar, Varazdin and Zagreb. It's the best feeling, up on the stage, shaking head in crazy funky grooves. Anyway, expect some pics really soon! Don't be fooled by thumbnails on the left. I said soon!

   Newest song I did, "Lost Kingdom" uploaded and ready for listening! Details, as always, in -Music- section

   New site design applyed!
   And a small promise that I will try to update the site more often...

   Another song online, jazzy grooved "Metropolis"!

   First song added! Move your asz to -Music- section of the page!

   The site is up and running!
   Welcome to my homepage. The plan is to give you some details about me, and the music I do. Also to make this site a small audio production house, so yaall music makers out there can find some useful links to software, articles, fresh news and stuff concerning making and producing music. Hope you like it...

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   HomePage project started...

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