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in this site

good websites to go to

this is a great help site
this is a good website for all the new news

Well this is it... my first webpage...It isnt great but it gets the point across. Ill try and update it as much as possibe. 1)intro-well i have been playing this game for about a year and a half so if u have any questions i can answer them(not so good in memebers). If you would like to ask me a question my email is My screen name for runescape is bobob28...i am almost always on...except vacation and such... 2)In this site i will try and update as much as possible... I will try and say what has been updated on free version, (if u have members and know please email me) the last update was on the 8th of july i beleive and in the free version they didnt do much but they did add to the tutorial...a fatigue part. 3) questions or coments? - email me or mail me on runescape have a day- and tell me how i am doing(preferable well)
