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Welcome to Rowans Shite!

but BeFore you COntinue LookIng at my siTe i thOught i wOUld Tell you Why I pUt All ThaT tiMe And Effort In tO SOMETHing that is AlmoST as G0od as The FAmily Of bEatles Under The SoFA

I MadE tHIs Site For 3 ReAs0ns

1.To shOW my PaSsion for DanNy dEvito

2.To DisScuss thE bEaUTY Of "iCE dRInkS"

3.tO Continue My SeARch To HelP Lost RUSSian ChilDren ... oh and tO StoP tHE bEatlES fROM uNdER tHE Sofa FrOM sHOUTING at me.

So now yOu KnOw ThE MeanING of ThiS MeSS I wiLL tELL You A lIttLE bIT aBOut ME... mY nAME IS rOWAN AnD Apparently I aM fROM "RIN"(thats WHat The Poster In The LIbary SAYs)i AM 14 and I liKe brEaKING tHings.