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Opinions & Solutions

Mexican Gov't to Aid Illegal Immigrants

The Mexican government has announced a new program, "Vete Sano, Regresa Sano," to let at least 200,000 Mexicans to illegally enter the US. A US organization, California Endownment, (21650 Oxnard St #1200, Woodland Hills, CA; ph-818-703-3311)is providing financial support. This is also illegal!

The kits for men will include condoms and those for women will include birth control pills. If Mexico provided these items at home, Mexico would not need to ship its excess population out of their country! The Mexican government must solve its own problems of unchecked population growth that underlies its citizens' poverty, it's infrastructural insufficiencies and its environmental destruction.

The US is not a dumping ground for excess population. The US Taxpayer is not a bank to feed, house, clothe and educate Mexican citizens, nor is the US taxpayer Mexico's medical insurance provider. Above all, the US is not a dumping ground for criminals. Everyone who violates US laws, including immigration laws, is a criminal.

Kick the Fox out of the Henhouse! For Mexico to actively promote the violation of US laws is an egregious insult. It is time to place US military on the Mexican Border and shut down illegal entry, and it is time to deport all those who have violated US immigration laws. They are criminals.
amadeus9 created this commentary on May 20, 2001

Learn English Now

Regarding Juan Andrade's column ["Misdirected Nationalism,"Nov.25]: What is anti-Latino about expecting those living in this country to speak English? If I was moving to another country, I would certainly learn their language. I would not expect them to cater to me.

Secondly, Andrade states that Latinos are the hardest-working people in the world. I would like to know where he got his facts.

Thirdly, Andrade is concerned with the people "who are up in arms" over Latinos displaying their flags during patriotic holidays. Germans, Italians, Irish, etc. display their flags, but not on the hoods of their cars or driving around hanging out of the window waving a full-sized flag and honking their horns. It's called respect for America and the understanding that in America the U.S. flag is the most important. If these people are so proud of Mexico, they should be back home trying to make their country a better place.

I'm not against people being proud of their heritage, history or language so long as they respect the ideals and values that have made America the greatest country in the world. Phil Kranz, Mount Prospect, Illinois.

Policy on illegal aliens could cost taxpayers $30 billion

September 6, 2001. Rewarding illegal aliens with amnesty would be a financial loser for American taxpayers and a political loser for both Democrats and Republicans, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data and a just released Zogby poll.

But such a policy could cost American taxpayers some $30 billion a year, one study suggests. Low-skill immigrants are a net loss to the nation's economy, some researchers say, and illegal Mexican immigrants are 67 percent more likely to use major welfare programs compared to U.S.-born families.

Large majorities of likely independent, Republican and Democrat voters conductedAug.25-29 by pollster John Zogby. By Ralph Z Hallow - The Washington Times

Land Scarcity - Housing Shortages - Dangerous Drivers - Water Shortages

We are running out of land. Workers are pouring concrete everywhere using up our farm lands to make room for housing shortages created by influx of illegal immigrants. We are running out of potable water. Border patrol agents are being overwhelmed by illegal immigrants, some of whom are also drug runners. Roads are unsafe because illegals have no auto insurance and have defective vehicles. After they are accepted into this country, they refuse to learn the English language, forcing buiness & government to hire bilinguals to deal with them.

They are over taxing our health systems and bringing in disease. The government politicians would have you believe that there are as few as 3 million illegals living here. In reality, there are more then 12 million or more. Unauthorized entry is a crime, but congressmen and government officials won't enforce the law. They just wink and look the other way.

It is a fallacy that the immigrant workers will take jobs that American citizens would refuse. There are plenty of U.S. citizens willing to work hard, and they don't need a work permit. Retirees are more willing to work now that a new law allows them to keep more of their earnings. It is no longer a secret that people with disabilities are eager to work and are loyal to boot. We should also have a better market driven system to provide us with needed future workers. The illegals have driven wages into the ground.

Contrary to what the activists would have you believe, illegal immigrants, in general, cost this country between $11 billion and $20 billion in services. That more than offsets the $133 million in taxes they pay. The politicians think the taxpayers don't know the difference between a billion and a million. They might think differently if we don't punch their name in the voting booth.
Cousin Charles Cook of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Letter to Congressmen -- No Answer

The following letter was sent to Senators Durbin(IL), Fitzgerald(IL), Representative Lipinski(IL) and President Bush August, 2001 by USA is FULL. We have not received an answer from any of them.

As you know, the immigration laws are not being enforced. Now I understand that Congress and the President are considering the panacea of ignoring the previous laws and pass an amnesty law to permit 3 million, which will probably be more like 20 million, to remain in this country. This noble body passed an amnesty law a few years back with the promise that it would be a one-time law. Needless to say, it looks like you are going to break that promise. I know that your constituents have nothing to say in these matters, but I expect you to, at least, provide some answers. Who is responsible for enforcing the law that states that no persons shall be in this country illegally and must be deported? Who decides which laws should be enforced and which laws should be ignored? Do both congressional bodies along with the President engage equally in this selective enforcement process? I would think that somewhere in the congressional and presidential oath there would be some mention of responsibility to enforce the laws instead of ignoring them. I would very much appreciate it if you would answer these few questions yourself, instead of having some knowledgeable assistant send me a general Xeroxed letter about the red, white and blue and advising me what a great job the congress is doing. Thank you, USA is Full

After Terrorist Attacks - Congressmen Act Like they Discovered Faulty Immigration Laws

After not answering any of USAisFULL letters, the Congressmen and politicians in the aftermath of the terrorist acts on the Twin Towers, act like they uncovered the expanding illegal immigration, and are planning on taking some action, instead of sweeping it under the rug, as they have been doing. (Editors note)

It is interesting to see the furious energy displayed by the Bush administration and Congress to tighten immigration. None other than Senator Edward Kennedy(D-Mass.) is leading a drive to give closer scrutiny to the intake process. Everybody is worried about immigration now.

The reason of course, is the tragedy of Sept. 11. Some of the 19 terrorists who participated in the suicide hijackings that killed almost 5,000, entered the United States legally or were staying here on expired visas. The Immigration and Naturalization Service has acknowledged that more than 250,000 illegal immigrants it ordered deported remain in the United States!

The anti-terrorism bill forces the attorney general to hold illegal immigrants suspected of terrorism investigation for seven days while the government seeks to estalish grounds for action. There are civil liberties complaints, but even Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn),the most liberal member of the Senate, acknowledges that immigration must be severely curtailed in the name of security. It wasn't long ago that Bush was negotiating with Mexican President Vicente Fox to liberalize immigration laws to allow Mexican illegal immigrants to gain legal status. Now, it appears the goal is to tighten immigration all around.

Where have all these guardians of internal security been before now?Peter Brimelow, an immigrant himself, in Alien Nation;Common Sense about America's Immigration Disaster(Random House, 1995), alleged that "our nation is being engulfed by the greatest wave of immigration it has ever faced." Brimelow, a former British subject, charged that these newcomers are less educated, less skilled, prone to trouble with the law, less inclined to share American culture and values and altogether less likely to become American in name or spirit."

The fact is, all-but-unchecked has been carried on by Democrats and Republicans for years with a wink and a nod. The Republican Party, often too observant to the needs of industry, has welcomed a flood of unskilled laborers as a great boon to their party.

David schippers, the Chicago lawyer who prosecuted President Bill Clinton's impeachment, in his book Sell Out: The Inside Story of President Clinton's Impeachment(Regnery 2000), tells of the blatant politicalization of the INS during the 1996 "Citizenship USA" program. "To ensure maximum impact, the INS concentrated on aliens in key states--California, Florida, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Texas--that hold a combined 181 electoral votes, just 89 short of the total to win an election,"he wrote. Schipper's book detailed wholesale immigration fraud inside the INS that directed their agents to relax the testing for English, to complete each interview within 20 minutes and ensure that all applicants pass the civics text by continuing to ask questions until an applicant got a sufficient number right. Sometimes it was necessary to ask 20 or 25 questions before four or five were answered corrrectly.

This has not just allowed unqualified people to enter the nation, it possibly compromised U.S. security. These tactics demean the citizenship of ordinary individuals with much to contribute who enter our country the right way.

The war waged against our nation demands a total re-examination of our immigration policies. The question must be asked: Do we want individuals to enter our country because they truly want to be Americans, or those who want to be foreign citizens in exile and even worse? By Thomas Roeser nationally known correspondent.

INS In Disgrace

The terrorist incidents that occurred Sept. 11 have demonstrated beyond any doubt that our immigration visa, refugee and political asylum laws are a national disgrace.
We have allowed people bent on creating large-scale mischief to enter our country and melt into society, never to be heard from again unless they come to the attention of the criminal justice system.
The Immigration & Naturalization Service gave a pathetic excuse that it is unable to keep accurate data on the more than 36 million visas that have been granted. This is a flimsy excuse. If the Social Security Administration can accurately track the vast numbers of people paying and receiving Social Security benefits, then surely with our present computer technolgy we should abe able to maintain accurate data on those who are granted visas, legal residency, political asylum, etc. Additionally, it may be time to seriously consider the use of a national identification card.

There is no question that the tragic events of Sept. 11 have created a major economic and national security crisis.

It is therefore, in my considered view, a security imperative that our government examine closely our present laws regarding immigration, visas, political asylum and refugee status in order that we do everything within reason to protect our great nation, subject to any Constitutional constraints that may be applicable. By: William C. Alletto from the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago,IL.


Speaking as a veteran, I'm sick and tired of everyone trying to be politically correct. It seems as if we must never offend any individual or their culture, no matter what they think or do to us. A surge of patriotism following the events of Sept. 11 by the majority of Americans are somehow offending others. Certainly, I'm not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone seeking a better life by coming to this great nation. We as Americans are comprised of descendants of immigrants. However, new immigrants obviously born here must comprehend the following.
The nation of America becoming a multi-culture nation has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. Here in America, we have our own culture, our own society and our own language and our own lifestyle. Past generations of immigrants realized that fact and did everything in their power to be part of this great nation we call the United States of America. New immigrants know all of the above before entering this great nation legally or illegally. Our culture has developed over centuries of struggles, trials and victories by the millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak English. Not Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese or any other language. So if you honestly want to be a part of our society, you must learn our language as all the others did.

"In God we trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian rightwing political slogan. The Christian men and women on Christian principles who founded this nation adopted this motto and this is clearly documented. God is a big part of our culture. If God offends you or if our paying homeage to our God offends you, why did you bother to become part of us? If the flag of our great nation offends you or you don't like Americans, why did you immigrate? Perhaps you came to the wrong country. The world is a big place, you may consider yet another move.

We are a culture that enjoys freedom and have no desire to change. This is our country, our land and our lifestyle. We really don't give a hoot how you did things where you came from. Our First Amendment assures every citizen the right of free speech allowing everyone to express his or her own opinion and certainly we will allow you every opportunity to express yours. However, when you have finished griping, whining and complaining about our great flag or out national motto, pledge or free society, pause for a moment and reflect on another great American freedom: The right to leave.

America. Love it or leave it. Robert Emmett Pritchard - Hickory Hills, Illinois

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