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Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way, I can't wait to look into the mirror, as I get better looking each day. (one for Grandad Dave).

On guard at my tunnel gym - What's the password Lucas?

Hey Naomi...Do you agree with Knuth's use of assembler in his description of fundamental algorythms?

Oi! Corbin - Pull my finger

I'm the king of the castle - what do you think of my crown?

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the massive-est of all?

Ol' Blue Eyes... Got to go, I've a few hearts to break

Check out my moves

And for my next number, hey mum turn on the mike!

Finally, gotcha Borris!

Thank You for flying British Airways...

I have the power & don't even think about trying to take the spoon back.

No Guv, it wasn't me, I didn't do nuffink