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Well, Hello And Welcome

Please, pull up your chair and enjoy what's here right now. I'm creating this webpage to bring to all of you (who happened to stumble onto it) an amazing band with a unique sound. Maroon 5 is amazing, as you're sure to see after crusing around my site. Or you already know that and have come to my page to learn more.

I'm not going to make any promises. I'm an amature at web-design and a poor almost-college student (Graduation: Friday the 13th of June!! Goodbye high school!) so Angelfire is where I'll stay unless somone wants to adopt me and teach me how to really make a cool website (or I take a class next year, which I'm hoping to do). Also on the poor thing, The graphics on this site and the layout is going to be simple, I can afford to spend money on PSP or any 0ther sort of image creator, so bear with me on that and the popups. I know they'll piss you off, but you have to choices: leave, or stay and deal with them.

I learned about Maroon 5 when I got tickets to see MB20 in concert. I was stoaked to see MB20 and even more excited when I heard about Sugar Ray (I'm in love with Mark McGrath...or not, maybe just infactuated...who knows) and then I heard a name of "Maroon 5." Who the hell were these people I was going to have to sit through prior to seeing my favorite bands? Well I was in for a surprise of my life. This "little Band" turned out to have one of the most amazing sounds I've heard in a while.

Well, I'm going to stop rambeling and let you make that decision for yourself. A few warnings first, about me. I suck at typing, my mind gets ahead of my fingers and I make a million typos. I'm gonna try and catch them all, but one can only do so much. The second is, with the lack of knowledge about M5 there is really no other info than what is on their official website. So I credit all the pictures and biographical information on M5 to

So thank you, and enjoy your stay, and please feel free to come back anytime.


you can contact me in a few ways: email: guestbook: