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Piazza del Notte

What the heck are you doing wasting your time here? Go do something productive for a change. Like Physics...I know you slack like mad...*pooh...Physics books aren't meant to be armrests...hahaha
So let me explain the name of the site. After my good friend did not allow me (despite multiple devious schemes) to name the current CAN 2004 as something Italian...I had to console myself with this. Plus the free 20 Megs of who could ignore that? Plus the fact that no one except for me (and Penny cuz i force her) is going to visit this site...the counter is there to see how many times i access the site...oh man...tears come to my eyes...oh boy...if this what staying up late does to you...pray i get a good night's sleep...

An Academy Ltd. Production

Another gruesome attempt at coding
This is for you
The Academy at work