Welcome To My Home Page

Well, I've decided to try making my home page. Theres not a lot up right now, but I plan on making more things. Currently, my page consists of four main sections. Use the pulldown menu above for navigation.

About Me - Learn about who I am. What I am like. See the picture of me there, among other things.

University - Thats right. I'm a university student. Find out where I am attending and what I am learning and the environment I am studying in.

Travel - I haven't done a lot of travelling yet, but I plan to. Currently there is only one country discussed in this section, but see the plans for my next big trip to Europe.

Oz Drinking Game - Its been in the making for awhile, and I finally got around to making up rules for a drinking game to my favorite television show: Oz. Give it a shot and let me know what you think about it.

Identity And Community In Cyberspace - Come see a webpage I did for a computer science report. See how we communicate and identify with one another across the world wide web. Yes, some of it is kind of cheesy, but hey it's only schoolwork.

Links - No homepage is complete without a page of cool links. Take a look sometime, cause theres some cool things to see when you are bored.

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