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Jokes and More Jokes!

Kid Jokes

Knock, knock...

Who's there?


Boo Who???

Don't's just a joke!

A couple of friends were sitting on a street corner, fishing into a bucket and looking very forlorn. A kindhearted lady came over and gave them a quarter. "How many have you caught today?" she asked. "You're the seventh!' they told her.

Lori: Our dog is lost!

Steve: Oh no! You'd better put an ad in the paper.

Lori: What for? He can't read!

Friend: Is that your brother?

Sister: Yes.

Friend: He's very short, isn't he?

Sister: Well, he is only my half brother.

Sis: Mom wants you to come in and fix dinner.

Brother: Why? Is it broken?

Why did the whale eat two ships loaded with potatoes? Because no one can eat just one potato ship!

What did the ocean say to the river? "Nothing. It just waved!"

What kind of cookies do birds like? Chocolate chirp!

Why do hummingbirds hum? Because they don't know the words!

Why do storks stand with one leg up? If they raised both legs they'd fall over!

What do you call a flying elephant? A Dumbo Jet!

Why do elephants have trunks? Because they don't have backpacks!