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The three wise men are not the most central characters in the Christmas story, they appear only in the gospel according to St Matthew, but they're the only characters who came from a great distance, and so they are the only characters in the Christmasstory whom we think that perhaps, probably were gentiles, and therefore conceivably the only ones who might have been Lutheran. Some bible scholars believe that they were. At least one of them was Lutheran because the 3 of them came bearing gifts: they brought gold, frankincense and myhrr. And myhrr in case you weren't aware of this was a casserole, a hot-dish...made from macaroni and hamburger, some tomato in it. And it comes from the pronunciation in the middle East and also in the MidWest of hamburger as 'hammer'...thus its name. So we think of 1 of the wise men probably was Lutheran, and may have intended to stop at a department store and pick up something expensive as gold and frankincense, but his wife who was a wise woman said 'No take this, they'll probably be hungry, take some myhrr...just bring back the dish!' So they might have been our guys, at least one of them.

They came from a great distance away following a star, which for wise man was not very smart when you think of it, because a star is up in the sky and so the sense of direction you get from a star is gonna be a little bit general, and which stable the star is right over kinda depends on where you're standing at the time. So these guys were navigating on faith. They took a long trip based on less hard information than a person might like to have. But they came through and they found Christmas on faith. They actually found it. And so may we. Even though it may be more of an adventure for us today than it was for them back then, because there's so much artificial light from Christmas and so much reflected light, that there's kind of a general glow and it may be hard to pick out stars in the sky, just as it is in the city, even a very bright one. But it can be found and it can be followed and we can find it.

There is hope for us all.

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