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etc. etc. etc. …


These are photos, screenshots, and other visual things that I thought were funny, cool, interesting, … you name it … just stuff that I’ve found on the Internet over the years … You’re welcome to e-mail me (phish e-mail) with your comments, but I probably won’t get back to you; and, if you disagree with any supposed “messages” of these images, I don’t care and don’t care to hear about it … they’re are just miscellaneous “seashells” I’ve found whilst “beach-combing” on the Net. That is to say, not all of them are pretty, but they are interesting, somewhat, to me) … Maybe someday, I’ll devote the time to organize this queue better, but not anytime soon … Sorry … it’s just an archive … Oh, and there are no “return links” in each of these, either, so just use the Back button on your browser …


  1. Some funny movie shots:


  1. Way before the Microsoft Windows® “Blue Screen Of Death” (this screenshot from the Beijing Summer Olympics 2008), there was the Commodore Amiga® “Guru Meditation”. Just as in Windows®, the appearance of this ominous screen meant that all hope has been lost and it’s time to go find something inanimate to beat … like your computer …


  1. This real estate advert depicts an affordable house furnished with appliances. But look at the state of the clothes dryer; duct tape is the “sell point”!


  1. A photo from a football (soccer) match. I’m thinking that this is not the textbook way of doing a headshot.


  1. And there’s this shot from a baseball game. That had to hurt! Don’t forget to look at everyone, especially the guy in back.


  1. Okay, here’s a thread from a web forum about digital photo manipulation. The guy asked his friends (so-called) to fix up an old photo of he and his father for a birthday present. What he got was way too hilarious … watch out, though, there’s a bit of naughty language and imagery …


  1. The MacGyver Multi-Tool.


  1. Only in El Paso: I got this photo from a friend of mine of a man sitting in the trunk of a car, guiding a dolly behind it with a refrigerator while his (girl)friend is driving. ¡Esta como te mueve en el barrio, vato! Been there, done that!


  1. The Star Wars movies have spawned an amazing amount of parody by a lot of chronically-talented individuals. Here’s a taste of what I’ve come across. A stormtrooper, back in the hotel room, after “the incident at Mos Eisley”.  Another stormtrooper, after the “Battle of Yavin”. A stormtrooper parody including Lego® characters. And, a drama plays out between an AT-AT and an AT-ST.  Plus, we can’t ignore this great poster, emulating the art style of the late and very great Patrick Nagel, Princess Leia.  A few others: The Death Star goes disco. Yoda’s motto. Yo yo yo give it up for da’ emcee! The rock tour T-shirt every Star Wars fan needs. Here’s a rare action figure. A scene from Psycho, co-starring our favorite character. And my favorite scene from  the Muppets in Manhattan!  Meanwhile, here’s the scam.


  1. Stop using that word! I do not think it means what you think it means!


  1. Star Trek is also a great magnet for humor. What color uniform do you need to wear on an away-mission? Here’s a freeze-frame from Star Trek 2: Wrath of <insert name here>. Here is the Transporter Rules (beware the f-bomb). We all knew William Shatner could get a little carried away, sometimes.


  1. Internet High-Five; yes, you have to do it


  1. A friend of mine took this picture of a man being held at gunpoint by the police. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K …


  1. Remember that shaky black-and-white Bigfoot footage that caused such a stir? Some talented person stabilized it into this GIF movie. Too cool, but that’s totally just some guy in a fur suit!


  1. Wha…? You didn’t know we fought the war with Rock-Scissors-Paper?


  1. Okay, I’m sorry, but this just cracked me up. Here’s George W. Bush trying to catch a fairie


  1. So someone ordered a pizza online, and they followed the directions implicitly!


  1. Alien versus Predator the final showdown!


  1. George W. Bush tries to figure out what’s wrong.


  1. A flame war between siblings causes the Queen to have to step in…


  1. Epic wedding cake! Epic fetch! Epic fail! Epic cat fail! Epic English fail! Epic hero! Epic cruelty! Epic healer!


  1. Do not leave your children unattended here…


  1. Hold very, very still


  1. Is your Time Machine working yet? Make sure to print this document and keep it with you.


  1. Okay, we’ve all done some pretty wild stuff as kids, but this takes the cake!


  1. Here’s the simplified version of The Eisenhower Interstate System.


  1. Yo yo if you like dawgs and yo-yos, you should see this yo-yo, dawg!


  1. Okay, if you’re a video gamer and liked the Portal game, here’s your faithful Companion Cube, here’s a stuffed Companion Cube (for bed time), and here are some encouraging posters from Aperture Labs. Oh, and some cake.


  1. Here is the “Socially Awkward Penguin”.


  1. The most interesting products I’ve ever seen for sale on the Internet:









  1. Here’s a correction you’d really hate to make.


32. More soon! (7/27/09)


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