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    Billie was born August 8, 1999.  I got her from Blue Sky Kennels in Silver Spring, MD.  She was a litter runt and had a been loosing most of the battles for food during meal time, so she was a small.  To look at her now you wouldn't think she ever missed a meal.  I got her mainly for my daughter, Ariana.  Ariana and Billie have been the best of friends since day one.  Billie was named for Billie Holliday, the jazz singer.
    Having Billie around has garnered some responsibility in Ariana.  And Billie has fit nicely into our family as well.
She's nearly sixty pounds now and it's hard to believe right before this picture she was sleep inside my size 13 boot in the background.
  In her 2nd favorite sleeping space, the couch.  Her favorite space is in the closest lap to the couch.
Billie with her buddies, Max -the Boxer, Ariana (in red and black) and Madison.(holding Max)
    Billie and littermates hamming it up for the camera.  Billie is on the far right standing.
            Max and Billie's Favorite Treat,
Bow Wow Bagels
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