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Ocean Spray

You are walking along a path one day in a forest, when you see a path off to the side. Never have seeing the path before, you walk towards it, and for the next 20 minutes, you just walk along the path. Suddenly, you are in the middle of a beach, surrounded by other people and horses. A girl runs up and starts to speak, " Hi! Welcome to Ocean Spray, one of the best RPGs around. You know, not many people can see the path, and when they do come and join us here, they sometimes just gotta go back home. But be warned, if they do go back, you can never come here again. So, you must make a choice. If you choose to stay, stay, but if you go, you can't come back. " The girl the motions for you to follow her. Will you follow, or run away? Choose below.
I Follow The Girl As A HumanI Follow The Girl As A Horse
I Walk Away, Never To Come Back At All...

RPG Rank, Your guide to the Role Playing Games online!

RPG And Layout By JaneŽ.

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Places To Go

Joining As A Horse
Joining As A Human
The Stables
Peachy Beach Apartment Complex
Peachy Beach Building Department
Member's Status'
Peachy Beach Public Pool
Peachy Beach Hideaway Spa
Paradise Clothing
Beach Jewelers
Wild Wind Horse Adoption
Peachy Beach