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FAQs Found Here
I decided to put this list of links together to act as primary resource for whomever may want to use it. I know I am always sending someone a link to good FAQ page but I usually end up having to find the damn thing first. Not the most compuetr friendly guy here, but I usually manage. I figured what the hey, I will go ahead and put together a list of DIY FAQ pages that way when someone asks a "frequently asked question", I can just send them to this page and go from there. If you have any FAQ pages that aren't listed, PLEASE send them to me via e-mail by clicking on the Stryke HE15 subwoofer pic at the bottom of the page.

TheNoid's Weekly Raffle FAQ please read
Wood FAQ
Passive Radiator FAQ
Bose FAQ
More Bose Poop
And More
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