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Class Officer Election
To whom it may concern:

Everyone already called my bluff, you guys know i'd never charge for my services - study services that is ;) - i jsut got frustarted over this whole election.

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I am dissatisfied with the student government and how it runs, especially the election process that has no formal debates, speeches or anyway to get your ideas out to the student body other than flashy posters. This leaves us to vote for our closest friends instead of the people who should be winning, the people that can get things done, that have the determination to do it. It’s not wrong to vote for your favorite, it isn’t your fault that you are not informed of each slates goals and plans for next year. So I offer you my slate’s plan;

    1. Recycling bins in classrooms for bottles, cans and other recyclables. We have two large blue recylcing bins in our school now. It was me, Noah, that got them there. And Principal Doviak didn't give me any recognition, which is ok i guess, but more should be done.

    2. Use of outside corridors during spring and possibly fall for study halls. There are many teachers who have free periods that could do their work outside while watching over a few students with study halls.

    3. Keep the student body informed of student and community events such as dances, drives, run/walks, spirit days, etc. by announcements over the loudspeaker and hanging up posters where people will be able to read them.

All I am asking you for is your vote. I wanted to run for the same reason everyone else wanted to; colleges love to accept students who are active in the student body. However, I hated the feeling of not knowing what was going on. Not even my friend on the slate for this year knew what was goin on half the time.

Study guides for finals and the next two years of school are still yet to come. The decision is yours. Anyone who doesn’t give back in some way for using is taking advantage of my generosity.

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