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Hello again!
This is where you will find ALL of the information about CONTEST and RAFFELS! But bare with me while I get it up and running! I just started this so It will take a while! Thanx! bye!


If you think you know what it is, neo-mail bblikeme with what it is, First person gets a CODESTONE and a FAERIE 2nd person gets a SALT MOTE 3rd Gets a SCRATCHCARD!!

Raffel starts the last day of June and Ends April 10 which at that time no more raffel tickets maybe purchased!!

How It Works:
Got to my shop during the time of the raffel and you will find 4 kinds of bottles of sand RED bottles are worth 1 ticket BLUE bottles are 2 tickets GREEN bottles are 3 tickets and BLACK bottles are 4 tickets. the more you buy the better the chances of you winning the prize which is a CODESTONE! What I do is After April 10 I writte down everybodys name on a slits of paper (However many you buy is how many times your name is written) then I put them in my hat and I draw a name whoever is pulled WINS! (All money collected from this evet is put into the Guild Bank and Used For Future Prizes)!

To Enter the lottery (its free) E-mail bblikeme with 5 numbers between 1-50 whoever gets the most correct WINS! If nobody wins we start a new one and just keep going till someone wins! Lottery Starts April 12th! Ends April 20th! Have Fun!!!!

Referral Contest starts when we have 5 people (Which at the moment we do) and It NEVER ends! Once you have reffered 2 people you get to choose From zeekyzeekys trades that will be labled "CONTEST PRIZES!" You get to choose ONE of those items for every FIVE people you get to join! Good Luck!

Our Adoption Agency is ALWAYS Up and Running! If you cure 3 pets and put them BACK into the adoption center (not keep them as your own) then you will get a choice from zeekyzeeky's TRADES!! (also labled "CONTEST PRIZES" 1 prize for every THREE pets you cure!