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Public Speaking 4A


Metropolitan Community College

Homework Help

Public Speaking 4A

My Speech

I created this site as an example for my speech on "How To Get Your Own Free Website" in Mrs. Culliver's Public Speaking course. This is made using a simple downloadable template that anyone can use.

First simply log on It will ask you to choose a URL name. The URL is the name of your website. Once you have entered that into the given space it will ask you for a password and then information such as your name. Be sure to fill in the required fields.

Once you have completed registering your URL you will be able to begin building your page. Click on the link for "Webshell" to go to the build page. For extra help look on the right side of the page that offers links to templates and building help. For beginners I recommend you download a template and save it to a disk. This will give you step-by-step instructions.

Once you have downloaded your template and followed the directions on entering your text, links, and pictures you are done. Just save your page and tell your friends!