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My Family Photo Album
My Family Photo Album
Hi, My name is Stephanie. I'm making this web site to show off photos of my family. And heres a little more about us. Greg and I were married on 7/10/04. We have 3 kids. Kevin, his my son, he was a 33 week preemie and he had 3 surgerys and now his 5 years old. He's a healthy little boy now. Jazlyn, my step daughter, she's a healthy little girl and she's very sweet. Anthony, he's a 28 week preemie and he was 2pds and 11oz. a tiny bundle of joy. he's a healthy baby boy.
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Anthony First Pics!
Anthony First Pics! 
Our baby Anthony. Who was born at 28 weeks preemie. Anthony was 2 pds and 11 ozs and 15 3/8 longs

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