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  Another type of cloud that has to do with atmosphere:
"Another "specialty" cloud is one that can develop due to Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability waves and subharmonic resonance with other waves in the atmosphere. This can result in an intertwined or spiral cloud pattern as shown in this picture, which was also taken by James D. Rufo. H-H instability is the result of strong wind shear. K-H clouds that form in early stages can resemble well-organized waves that appear to be breaking like ocean waves."
Shuttle astronauts are clearly fascinated by the topside view of Earth's atmospheric patterns that space flight provides, since every space shuttle crew takes a significant number of photographs of clouds. In the past two years, interest in clouds has increased considerably as scientists attempt to understand 
global warming and the greenhouse effect. Efforts to predict climatic changes associated with global warming have focused new attention on the warming and cooling properties of clouds. The picture is a complex one, involving competing feedback mechanisms, and is not fully understood at this time. All clouds block some fraction of the incoming solar radiation, and absorb some fraction of the heat radiated back from the Earth's surface, and the balance between these two processes is hard to quantify. However, contemporary thinking suggests that the lower altitude cumulus clouds (such as pictures Thunderstorms, Brazil and Cumulus Cloud Tops) have a net cooling effect on Earth's surface, reflecting heat back to space. Conversely, the higher, thin cirrus clouds (such as pictures Jet Stream Cirrus and Jet Stream Cirrus, Saudi Arabia) trap heat, reflecting it back to the surface of Earth. 
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