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Place-Based Learning

"If you don't know where you are, you don't know who you are."      --Wendell Berry

HOME: A Sense of Place
A self-created project to explore my own sense of place.

Teacher as Content Knower
How do teachers shape social studies content and curriculum?
Examining my own learning context, background and
views on social studies teaching and place-based learning.

Child as Content Knower
How do children make sense of social studies learning?
How do children develop a sense of place?
Exploring the social studies learning
of several individual children and groups of students.

Experts in Place-Based
Learning & Curriculum

What do expert teachers and researchers
know about place-based learning?
Attempting to learn from others who have experience with
and an expertise in community and place-based curriculum.

This website is being created in partial fulfillment
of my social studies methods course, C&I 307,
in the Elementary Teacher Education Program
at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A rationale for
my interest in place-based learning can be viewed here.

Please visit the site's
to discuss place-based learning!

For background information and research on place-based learning,
please refer to these helpful articles, books, and people that I utilized for this learning.
