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Mountain Meadows Massacre

Author Gerald Grimmet (The Ferry Woman-The Wives Of Short Creek)stands at site of Mountain Meadows Massacre

Mountain Meadows Massacre Links

Gerald Grimmett- Author
Wives Of Short Creek
Kings English Bookstore Readings
Juanita Brooks Book on Amazon
Wives OF Short Creek on Barnes & Noble
Predators,Prey and Other Kinfolk-Dorothy Allred Solomon
The Ferry Woman on Barnes & Noble
The Sixth Of Seven Wives-Mary Mackert
Review of WIves Of Short Creek-Salt Lake Tribune

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Statement by John D. Lee
Who was executed as scapegoat for the massacre

    "I had many to assist me at the Mountain Meadows. I believe that most of those who were connected with the Massacre, and took part in the lamentable transaction that has blackened the character of all who were aiders or abettors in the same, were acting under the impression that they were performing a religious duty. I know all were acting under the orders and by the command of their Church leaders; and I firmly believe that the most of those who took part in the proceedings, considered it a religious duty to unquestioningly obey the orders which they had received. That they acted from a sense of duty to the Mormon Church."  (...Life and Confessions of John D. Lee..., p. 213)

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