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Tanya M. Wyndon

December, 2002 Graduate
Information Systems Technology
College of Technology
University of Houston


          You have reached my OCTE 4390 Portfolio. As you travel among my pages you will have a chance to experience some of the projects and assignments that I completed during my studies at the University of Houston. This portfolio was designed to give you a brief insight on who I am and what I am capable of. (Note: This site was designed to demonstrate my knowledge of HTML, XHTML, Java Script, and ASP. It was not designed for graphic purposes.)

          The University of Houston Information Systems Technology Program was designed to give all of the graduates of this program exposure to the dynamic needs of the business industry. It was designed to teach the creation of business applications, including computer concepts and applications. This degree program focuses on developing problem solving and decision making skills, while providing experience with human relations, evaluation, analysis, and communications.

          As a Graduate, exiting the Information Systems Technology program, I can expect to find lucrative positions in the "Technology Industry" in positions like:

  • Computer Security Specialist
  • Comupter Network Administrator
  • Comupter Network Technician
  • Systems Analyst
  • Electronic Commerce Specialist
  • Data Base Administrator
  • Webmaster

          So as you can see, a B. S. in Information Systems Technology will prove to be a very challenging and needed by today's companies.

University of Houston College of Technology