My First Homepage!
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This is my webpage!!
Updated 7/14/2003.

Well, I haven't done much to my webpage since the last time, but I will have it lookin all fancy crazy some month soon. I did put some new and awesome pics in the pics section. Summer vacation is great cuz u don't have to do anythig related to school!! If you have a job however, you don't always get to sleep in like the rest of us lazy bums. There is my profound statement of the month or two.

If anyone viewing this site is in need of a band, go into the band info section of the site. Ummmmm.....I don't really have anything else to say right now.

Please don't make fun of me, I'm a beginner at this whole html thing, and I forgot how to do it from when I learned it, so there. Thank you very much.

Here are more places to go...............................................................

Email Me
Links Page

Weekly Stupid Crap

My Models
Band Info

By the way, if you need to email me no chain letters please. Thanks.