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A Few of My Favorite Things...

A little about me

Hi! Megan here....before you check out my page I just wanted to let you know what its all about. I designed this page originally to be a home page for my mom and I, but the more I put into it, the more fun I had with it. I've added some of my most favorite links...I hope you'll enjoy them too!

Some of my other favorites...

My top favorite random sites!

I've found these through emails...some of them you may have already seen, but all are very cute!

Listen to old Abbott and Costello radio shows!

Feeling down? Don't worry be happy! *wink*

Try this...beautiful pictures, and encouraging words.

Are you in the mood to be flattered? Click Here!

One of my very favorite pastimes is to read God's word. I find it encouraging, uplifting, and motivating in my life. If you don't already, I challenge you to start reading your Bible every day. Start now by reading my favorite Psalm!

Check out my newest addition to this site....some of my favorite Bible verses and what i think of them!

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens; Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens; Brown paper packages tied up with strings; These are a few of my favorite things!

Click here to find out which Disney Princess you are most like!

Or click here to find out which Disney Villian you most resemble!

just a note to any guys out there...

Click here to find even more Peanuts Comics!

Find out what 100 Acre Wood character you are most like here!

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