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Welcome to Marissa's Home on the web. I've just moved in! This is a new web home for me, so please be patient as I've got a lot of work yet to make it cozy. I'm really just a nice person looking for another nice person. If you care to, you can drop me a line at

Stats: 52 yo...70kg/155 lbs...175cm/69in

Character: Smart, talented, openminded, curious, politally liberal, socially conservative

Seeking: An understanding woman for true love, penpals from the central region of the USA, overseas penpals

Turn-ons: Gardening, animals, history, travelling, drawing & painting, light jazz & classical music

Turn-offs: Men, arrogant people, pettiness

Please enjoy my picture gallery while I continue decorating. (In Netscape, you can right-click with your mouse on each picture and choose "view image" to see a larger version).


All pictures copyrighted, 2003. No reproduction is allowed without written consent by Marissa Lee.

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