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I can gurgle and coo Sep 2001 - (3 months)
I can babble Oct 2001 - (4 months)
I can say mama and dada  Feb 2002 - (8 months)
I can say "no" Apr 2002 - (10 months)


 I can smile

Aug 2001 - (2 months)

 I laughed for the first time Aug 2001 - (2 months)
 I can clap my hands  Dec 2001 - (6 months)  
I waved bye-bye Jan 2002 - (7 months) 
  I pretend to talk on the phone Feb 2002 - (8 months)
 I like to play with other kids  Dec 2002 -  (18 months)


I can hold my own bottle

Dec 2001 - (6 months)

I try to feed myself

Mar 2003 - (21 months)

I can drink from a cup 

April 2003 - ( 22 months)

I can use a fork and spoon

Mar 2003 - (21 months)

I can undress myself

 April 2003 - (22 months)

I can wash and dry my hands 

 Dec 2002 - (18 months)

I try to brush my teeth

 Dec 2002 - (18 months)

I use the potty


I can put my clothes on