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La Resistance

A Tale of Vampires, Sex & Nazis

Lilia shivered.

The atmosphere inside the castle walls was heavy with cold, and a thin, freezing mist rolled silently across the stone-flagged floor as she closed the heavy oaken door behind her.

Once again, she wondered what had possessed her to come here, on such a night, alone, with all the stories she had heard about this place. But then, in her secret heart, she knew it was those very ghastly stories that had made her come. She hadn't been able to resist it. As soon as the mission had been announced to infiltrate the castle to spy on the Nazi troops that had taken it over, she had leapt at the chance, no matter what the danger.

Castle Ramstein had had a long history of being haunted by all sorts of evil things, even before the war had begun and the Germans had arrived in the village at the foot of the hill. It was said that de Sade had lived here for some time in the eighteenth century, and everyone knew what he was like. Perhaps the Nazis had been drawn here for the same dark reasons, with the same gruesome longing to find something terrible. Or perhaps it was just the whispers of a fortune in gold and rubies buried deep in the dungeons somewhere, a legacy of some long-ago battle between pagan empires that had briefly given this place fame.

Lilia reached up and took down one of the heavy torches that lined the entrance hall. She assumed they had been left lit by the Germans. Nobody lived at Castle Ramstein any more; hadn't for centuries. Those who tried, even briefly, were usually found dead or insane the following morning.

The Germans seemed to be made of sterner stuff, or maybe they just hadn't the belief in the old ways that the villagers and superstitious locals had.

Lilia walked slowly in the direction of a deeply carved door at the far side of the hall. Her heels clicked on the cold stone slabs as she walked, and she cursed herself for not wearing heavier stockings so she could have taken off her shoes altogether.

What did she expect to find here? She hadn't dared bring herself to think about that. It was madness even to be here. If only a tenth of the stories she'd heard about this place were true, there was much to fear in being here, much more than being discovered spying by the Nazis. She'd seen the mad staring eyes of the last man to try a night in the castle before the war had started; she didn't know what he'd seen, but she'd seen all too clearly what it had done to him. What made her think that somehow she’d be braver than him? Six months in the Resistance had exposed her to a lot, but it had all been human violence, human nastiness. There could be much worse here.

She shuddered and laid one hand upon the latch of the door. The shocking coldness of it made her gasp, and her voice echoed in the great hall. Furtively she looked over her shoulder, but nobody was there. Who could be there? She'd kept a close eye on the place for days, and knew that the troops would be out on manoeuvres by now.

She pushed open the door, her eyes straining to see down the long, dark corridor that opened in front of her. The bright burning light of her torch made the darkness seem more pronounced. For a moment she wondered if someone was watching her, someone... or something. The darkness was so heavy it seemed alive and breathless, silently observing this midnight intruder.

She threw off such foolish notions and stepped over the threshold.


There had been high hopes for Wolfgang von Brauch when he'd joined the army at the start of the war. Proving himself a man little inclined to morality, and still less inclined to squeamishness, he had been rapidly promoted through several ranks, before finding himself posted to Ramstein to live like a lord over the small village. To some men it would have seemed a demotion – far away from the real action in Belgium or Africa – but for von Brauch it had represented an opportunity to build his own little empire away from the prying and over-inquisitive eyes of the Wehrmacht and the leaders of the Reich.

He had heard the rumours in the village about the hidden store of treasure that was buried somewhere in the castle vaults, and he had had every intention of finding it and keeping a larger chunk of it for himself than Himmler would probably have been happy with.

He still had his eyes open for the loot, and he still had his men scouring the castle every day for some sign of it, but in recent days he'd had rather more pressing matters with which to concern himself.

Three nights earlier, Wolfgang von Brauch had had his eyes truly opened to the mysteries of the universe, a mystery more profound than anything Himmler and his cronies at the Ahnenerbe could have contemplated.

Three nights earlier, Wolfgang von Brauch had been visited by a vampire.


Lilia inched her way down the corridor in the near dark, her heart pounding. The torch-flame was flickering, which meant there had to be a door or opening somewhere up ahead, but she couldn't yet see it. She could only hope that the torch didn't go out altogether. Her flashlight was still in her pocket, but it had broken on the scramble through the forest and she was entirely reliant on her own eyesight if the torch gave out.

It was silent in the corridor but for the sound of her own breathing and the occasional sputter of the flame in her hand. There was no indication of anyone being in the building at all, and yet she felt all the time as though some hidden eye was watching her. Just nerves, she told herself. There was nobody here. The troops were out on manoeuvres. There was nobody here.

A floorboard creaked under her foot and she stopped dead, her ears sharp for any sign that she had been discovered. Nothing. There was nobody here.

The light from the torch fell upon something metallic up ahead. A door handle. The light guttered more dramatically and she caught her breath, watching as it flickered, flared and died.

There's nobody here, she told herself against the staccato pounding of her heart. There's nobody here. There’s nobody here. There's... the door swung open silently from within and she realised that that truth to which she had clung so desperately was in fact a lie.

Sprawling in a huge leather-backed chair, his shiny black jack-boots glinting in the light from a roaring fire, sat SS Kommandant Wolfgang von Brauch. And she could tell from one quick look at his diabolically glowing red eyes that he was no longer entirely human.


"Guten abend, Fräulein Diemschutz," growled von Brauch.

Lilia didn't know whether the tone of his voice or the fact that he knew her name was more unsettling.

"Do, please, close the door. You are creating quite a draught."

She stepped into the room, her legs like lead, her heart hammering in her ears. She reached one hand behind her to close the door, not daring to take her eyes off the leather-clad SS Kommandant reclining in the chair. All her Resistance training had prepared her for what would happen if she should be foolish enough to get caught by the enemy, but she knew in one glance that this was not the enemy for which her colleagues had prepared her. This was in all likelihood an enemy they could never have predicted.

Wolfgang von Brauch had been an impressive figure of a man as a human, six feet of muscle and sinew and threatening presence. As whatever he had become, he had toughened up even more, and the unearthly glitter of his eyes and stern line of his jaw were emphasised as much by the addition of vampiric energy as they were by the loss of humanity. Even sitting down it was obvious he was in control of this situation, and could probably snap her neck with one quick movement if the mood so took him.

Lilia decided not to test such a notion.

"Herr Kommandant," she said softly, meeting the scrutiny of his gleaming eyes, "I fear you have the advantage of me."

He rose to his feet, unfurling his long body so it seemed to expand even further than his six feet. He bowed from the waist, a curiously old-fashioned motion, and introduced himself.

Lilia felt her knees buckle as she looked at him, and felt him looking back at her. His eyes seemed to penetrate the clothing she wore and see beyond, to her skin, perhaps even to her very bones. Unnerving as it was to be seen in such a way, it was also strangely enthralling. Von Brauch had an animalistic quality about him, and as he moved around her, he seemed entirely predatory, like a wolf pacing around a caged rabbit. He did not touch her, and yet somehow she felt as though he had thrust his great hands right inside her and opened her out to his view. It was a defilement, but she did not find it as repellent as she would have expected.

Von Brauch rounded his victim once more, breathing in deeply the scent of panic and arousal that flooded out of her in alternating waves. He leaned his lupine face closer to her, his nose and mouth a breath away from her neck. He could almost taste her now. He was surprised by the ease with which he had seemingly captivated her. Not yet used to the full power of his vampiric nature, he had underestimated how quickly she would fall under his spell.

"I can guess why you're here," he growled, turning away abruptly from her and pacing to a low table at the other side of the room.

Lilia watched him, unable to take her eyes off him for fear of what he might do next. She sensed that he was more than a little mad, and therefore unpredictable. She tried not to think about the diabolical light she had seen in his eyes as the door opened.

He turned back to look at her. "Wine?" He held a heavy goblet in his outstretched hand.

Civility was the last thing Lilia had expected, but she had also heard of the sadistic games some of these Kommandants liked to play. The power went to their heads, and they became cruel and took a perverse pleasure in unsettling their victims with kindness before pouncing on them.

She took a deep breath and walked as calmly as she could across the room, took the goblet from his cold hand, and raised it to her lips. Only as she swallowed, and noticed a strange, inquisitive look in von Brauch’s eyes, did it occur to her that he might have poisoned her.

Von Brauch laughed, a sudden shock of noise in the quiet room. "I am disappointed you have such a low opinion of me, Fräulein, though I suppose it is only to be expected, given the circumstances. You will forgive me for observing, however, that is it you who are the intruder here, not I."

Lilia looked back at him, unsure if he had really just read her mind, or just seemed to know what she would think because he was a German and she was Resistance.

"I know more than you might imagine, Fräulein," purred von Brauch, settling himself back in the leather armchair by the fire. "Do, please, sit down."

Lilia settled herself nervously on the edge of the other armchair and continued to look at him. He was sharply good-looking, impossible to age and with an absolute assurance of his own power and capacity that was not usual in men any more, even Germans. His very presence felt threatening, and yet he had not done or said anything so far to suggest she was in danger.

"I know why you're here," he said simply. "Your people sent you to spy on us of course. You've been watching us for days, I know. I sent the troops out as you knew I would; your only mistake was in thinking I'd go with them."

In truth, Lilia knew he was right. It hadn't even occurred to her that their Kommandant wouldn't go with them on training missions, to oversee their progress.

"My men don't need a babysitter," he said sharply. "And I don't need to waste my time running around the place to know what's happening out there. I know about you, and your friends, and the way you all feel about our being posted here. I also know that this war is a farce, and that ultimately you'll probably get your precious country back, and we'll get driven out with pitchforks."

Lilia smiled in spite of her fear of him. She seemed to have entered some kind of gothic fantasy of his: wine from goblets, peasants fighting a war with pitchforks...

He shrugged, and his broad shoulders rippled under the taut black material of his uniform. "I don't really care what happens any more," he said wearily. "The war has ceased to seem important to me, I confess."

She looked expectantly at him, wondering where he was going with all this.

A feral light came into his eyes as he looked at her, taking in the ample curves of her underneath the clinging dark material of her suit. He felt a hunger rising in him that he had thought was gone as surely as his humanity, and he wondered whether such human pleasures were still possible for one such as he. The thickening of his cock made him think they probably were.

He rose swiftly from the chair again and paced to the far side of the room. He knew she was watching his every move, and he couldn't resist a little theatricality now it came to it. He turned around and fixed her with a fiery glance from across the room. When he knew he had her full attention, he slowly withdrew the riding crop from his belt and slid it thoughtfully through his hand, watching her steadily. Her eyes widened subtly, and her tongue flicked out across her lower lip, part anxiety, part interest, he felt sure.

He cracked the crop hard against his thigh, and the sound of it made her jump and utter a sharp cry that made him smile. He had her now, without a doubt.

He stepped towards her, slapping the crop again, slowly, firmly, against his leg. With each step, and each thrash of the leather, he felt his cock twitch in anticipation.

"Well, Fräulein, since you are here you may as well make yourself useful," he growled, reaching her chair and leaning down close into her face. He could see down her blouse from here, and the view was a pleasant one. He also knew that the closer he was to her, the more his vampiric energy would control her. He had felt the same thing when the vampire had come to him, and knew well enough what would happen.

Lilia looked up at him, at the pale, fierce face and the glowing eyes thrust up close to her. He seemed to be radiating heat, and the closer he drew the less inclined she felt to fight it. She had half an idea what he was, even though her brain fought to resist the idea as nonsense, but man or beast, she knew she could do nothing now to escape him. Whatever he wanted, she would have to obey...

"Resistance," he whispered, mocking her very reason for being at the castle in the first place, "is useless."

He leaned back from her, and in a dizzying rush of heat and confusion Lilia's eyes strayed over his body, and liked what they saw. His pale fist clenched around the handle of the riding crop, the taut muscles in his arm and shoulder, the broad plain of his chest, and as her eyes dipped lower still she saw the unmistakable bulge of a well-developed, and already eager, cock, snaking over his thigh.

As he stood up straight, simply looking down at her and not saying a word, she was unable to take her eyes from that enticing image. His cock was firm and long, and growing more so by the second, as though her attention was causing it to respond. Perhaps it was. The material of his trousers was pushed out by it now, stretched taut and obscene against the contour of that mass of engorged flesh. A terrible desire to see that flesh released from its bondage filled her mind, and made it impossible to think of anything much else.

Von Brauch smiled, the intensity of her gaze almost palpable. It made him harder still to see how captivated she was, and to know that he was seemingly still more than capable of giving her what she wanted. He held out one hand to her, and she took it wordlessly, rising to her feet and standing close enough to him that she could feel the raw passion washing off of him.

As he pulled her closer still, and their bodies made contact, she whimpered softly, half fear, half anticipated pleasure, as his swollen cock pressed up against her thigh. Even fully clothed, she could feel it surging and thrusting against her, and she wondered how intense it would be to feel it inside her. It no longer occurred to her that he was the enemy, that he could have her shot for coming here. Somehow that neither seemed to matter, nor to be terribly likely any more. At least, not yet... Perhaps afterwards, he would revert to type.


A delicious shudder ran through her whole body at the thought of what would have to happen before there could even be an afterwards.

Von Brauch held her against him, enjoying the complete surrender of her. No trace now of defence or defiance. No resistance. One hand slipped over the contours of her back and rounded her bottom, pulling her closer against his raging hardness.

He sank his face into her neck suddenly, growling and snuffling in his animal hunger. He licked the flesh of her throat, gnawed at her ear, scratched her skin with his teeth. His fang-teeth twitched and extended with a visceral thrust, and just for a second he knew only the thirst, the red mist of thirst and need descending so all he could smell was her blood, and all he could hear was the thumping of her pulse. He could have her, right here and now, if he wanted to, drink her dry, and she wouldn't have the sense to even try to fight.

But no, no. Patience! He clamped his teeth into his own tongue and took a hasty draught of his own rich blood to sate himself for now. That pleasure would come later. He was still more a man than a vampire, and the human in him had a very particular need of its own right now. Satisfy that first, and the red thirst could be slaked afterwards.

Lilia could smell blood, and in a moment of panic she wondered if it was hers, and yet she felt no pain, so how could it be? The animal nuzzling of von Brauch's lips and teeth had been a shock, a strange, unanticipated thrill. No man had ever been that way with her before, and though she took it as a sign of his difference, of whatever he was that wasn't quite human, she didn't really fear it. In fact, it had been quite enjoyable. She wanted him to do it again.

As if reading her thoughts again, his lips found her throat once more, and he nibbled and nuzzled and nipped at her skin, growling as his hunger rose, becoming more insistent, more intense, more rough. He licked her skin, and though it felt perverse to enjoy it, she could not deny that she did. A trickle of his slaver rolled over her collarbone and she moaned softly, hating it and loving it at the same time. So bestial, so wrong... so good!

He sank down to his knees, holding onto her all the while, and lowering her onto the floor. A thick woolly rug lay before the hearth and he grabbed that and slid it underneath her to cushion her against the cold stone floor. He liked the way she lay, her knees bent and pressed tightly together, as if suddenly aware of the situation in which she found herself, and becoming coy and prim. The wild light of the fire reflected in her eyes gave her an altogether different look.

He grunted in approval at the sight of her, lying on her back, her face flushed, her chest heaving, her throat wet with his kisses. Even her clamped knees afforded him a generous view of her legs, as her skirt obeyed the law of gravity and began to roll back over her thighs. She put one hand up to stop it falling too far, but he could still see enough: stocking tops black against white thighs, and a musky darkness beyond that could have been knickers, or her own fur.

Lilia looked back up at him, seeing him through a haze of disordered thoughts. Her mind reeled from his closeness, her body ached and yearned for it, and though every fibre of her knew somehow that this was unspeakably wrong, she wanted it completely.

Her eyes fell upon his crotch again, and now there was no mistaking his intentions. His trousers were a tent, held up by a pole of impressive thickness and rigidity. It would have been a moment of comedy with any normal man, but she felt no desire to lighten the moment with a joke. The aura of power and force that flooded off him made her realise he would not laugh with her. He was a beast, only partly human, and if the human part in him was as hungry as the beast now, it would not always be that way.

Von Brauch noted the direction of her gaze and followed it. Even he was surprised at how swollen he was. Perhaps that was magnified by the vampiric blood as well, he mused. In the three days since he'd turned, he hadn’t had the opportunity to find out. This could be as big a revelation to him as it would be to her, he thought with a self-satisfied smile.

He flicked open the belt and felt for the buttons of his trousers, no easy task whilst trying not to look away from the prone woman on the floor, and while so monstrously aroused. The relief as the last button flipped open and the straining rod of flesh was released made him growl with pleasure. He took his thickness in his hand and massaged it indulgently. Yes, it had grown since he had been mortal. How wonderful!

"Mon Dieu!" whispered Lilia as she saw the size of it unfold. Even in his big hand it looked monstrous, and she knew instantly that she had never taken anything so large into herself before. A moment of fear, the anticipation of pain, flickered through her mind.

Von Brauch laughed, a harsh metallic sound that pierced the tense silence of the room. "God has nothing to do with this," he sneered, looking at her over the raging beast in his hand.

"No," whispered Lilia, though she barely heard her voice above the thumping of the blood in her veins. Any second now he was going to lie down with her and put that monstrous thing into her, any second...

"Fräulein," said Wolfgang von Brauch with a vulpine smile, "I have a most excellent idea."


He grabbed her by the hands and lifted her to her knees in one sudden movement, and Lilia found herself eye to eye with his terrifying cock. The pressure of his hand on the back of her head was pushing her closer to it and she could already feel its heat washing over her. Heat, and a sharp, metallic scent like blood...

He tasted of blood too, she discovered, as her lips parted and she took in his hot length. She'd known men taste of garlic before now from eating too much of the stuff, but blood...? She flashed a wary look up at him, and once more saw the glowing redness in his eyes. She tried to put from her mind the fact that now he had his back to the fire, and there was no other light source in the room.

Apart from the tang of blood, his cock felt good in her mouth, so good. His size, his hardness, were like no other man's Lilia had known, and she had always longed to get her hands on a cock this big. All thought of him being the enemy, of her mission, were gone from her mind. He was a man, and she knew well enough how to make a man happy.

He growled in pleasure as her mouth worked upon him. She knew what she was doing, and she clearly enjoyed it. He watched as her red lips slid up and down his raging cock, her cheeks hollow in her eagerness to taste as much as she could of him. This evening was turning out to be most entertaining after all... and his mind raced with what other possibilities would follow when the troops got back. Or if She decided to pay him a visit tonight as She had said She might...

He cupped both hands behind Lilia's head and pushed himself deeper into her throat, fucking her mouth as though he was already inside her cunt. Just thinking about that made him want to cum, to fill her face with his creamy, sticky juice. Curiously he wondered whether it would be bloody now that he'd changed. For her sake, he hoped not. One shock too far, perhaps. Somehow he didn't think he'd have long to wait to find out.

Her sharp little teeth nipped at him as he thrust into her throat again and he caught his breath, feeling the tension tighten his balls. A second later, and as she slipped his cock out of her mouth and rubbed it hungrily across her lips he erupted, a thick slippery mess that jetted out of him and spattered all over her face.

Lilia gasped, and got a mouthful of his wet spunk. Even that tasted faintly metallic, but she lapped it up eagerly, rubbing his cock between her hands to extract more of his juice. He flowed and flowed, like no man she’d ever seen before, and as it arced up and out of him onto her face, she ached for it not to stop. It was on her skin, in her hair, dripping from her chin onto her throat and her breasts. She had always wanted to be covered in a man's juice, but she had never met someone who could produce this much.

When the flood finally subsided, her clothes were ruined, and she sat back on her haunches with a smile. Spunk dripped, cooling already, from her chin, from her eyebrows, and ran in tangling ropes in her hair. She had never felt so utterly debauched, or so terrifically aroused.

"Well well, Herr Kommandant," she said in a soft, quizzical voice, looking up at him, and realising with a jolt that his cock was still stiff despite its copious eruption, "I fear you have made quite a mess of me."

Wolfgang von Brauch looked down at her, and felt his cock twitch as he took in her spunk-slimed face, her sticky hands, and the spattered front of her blouse. No blood, he thought absently, and smiled. I'm still hard, he realised, and gave his cock a long, slow caress. "I can rinse you off, if you will permit," he said, watching her keenly.

Her eyes opened wide as she realised what he intended. Wouldn't that just complete her debauchery for tonight? To give herself to him sexually was one thing, but this... What would it be like? She was too aroused to object, she realised, and she leaned forward in welcome.

"You are sure?" He hadn't expected her to agree without at least some attempt at offence.

She shrugged, feeling another spatter of spunk fall from her hair. "It's your rug that will be ruined, Herr Kommandant," she said sarcastically.

Von Brauch grunted and stepped closer so he stood right over her. He gave his cock another squeeze, and a final spurt of juice dribbled out, followed a moment or two later by a hot stream of bloody-smelling piss. He angled his cock over her so that the piss fell onto her face, but she pulled back, and instead the hot river fell onto her chest, soaking through the already-wet blouse and contouring her lovely nipples. He sprayed her with his scent as though marking his territory, and knowing that she was aroused by it as much as he only made him enjoy it all the more.

He emptied himself for the second time over her and then thrust his cock against her face again, and she licked him clean without a word. When she had done enough, he stalked away, slipping his still-hard, still-wet cock back into his trousers. It felt disgusting, but it felt deliciously depraved as well, and the combined scent of cum and piss aroused the vile animal in him. He threw himself into the leather armchair by the fire once more, legs crossed casually so that she could see he was still hard, still ready for more.

"Quite a revelation, Fräulein," he purred, his eyes glittering as they looked at the state of her.

Lilia turned towards the fire in a vain attempt to dry her clothes. "And what are you going to do with me now?" she wondered. Somehow all fear of being shot as a spy had fled her mind. We know each other, we two; somehow we have connected. He would not have her shot.

Von Brauch watched her, listening to her thoughts with amusement. If she thought that just because of this she would get away from the castle alive, she still had much to learn...

Lilia turned to look at him when he did not answer, and the look in his eyes made her shiver. Perhaps she would not see another dawn after all...

"I should be a poor host," said von Brauch eventually, rising from the chair and taking her by the hand, "if I did not at least get you some dry clothes to wear. Come."

Lilia rose to her feet and followed him submissively, wondering what on earth was in store for her next.


She was led along a dark corridor, up a flight of draughty stairs, and finally into a large, dark room which, despite its size, was warm and comfortable. Lilia peered into the darkness but could hardly see the end of the room, and a vague sense of unease gripped her, heightened when von Brauch closed and locked the door behind them.

He stalked off into the darkness, seemingly in no need of light to guide his way, leaving the wet girl shivering and nervous behind him. He could feel her anxiety returning, and deliberately took his time.

When he returned to her, he carried a large towel in one hand and some kind of cloak in the other. "Undress, Fräulein," he growled, watching her every move.

Lilia unbuttoned her wet blouse and pulled it off. It reeked of him, and though the smell should have been repellent she found it was not entirely so to her any more. She unzipped her skirt and let that fall to the floor, then kicked it away.

"And the rest," urged von Brauch, his eyes bright with interest to see her in full. She was shapely and curvy, with flesh in all the right places, and he wanted to see it all now. He wanted to have it all... and he would.

More cautiously, Lilia removed her bra, knickers and stockings, and stood before him naked. It seemed so needlessly coy to cover herself up, so she didn't, but she trembled under his intense scrutiny.

"Very nice," murmured von Brauch as his eyes roved over the heavy, milk-white breasts with such dark nipples, the pale panel of her belly, and the dark gold thatch of hair that curled over her mound. "Very nice indeed." He thrust the towel into her hands and watched as she rubbed it over her flesh, pinking it delightfully in her vigour to be dry.

"I found this," he said, passing her the cloak. "I assume it belonged to some previous resident of the castle. It should suffice while... until your clothes are dry."

Lilia met his gaze as she clasped the cloak at the neck. It barely covered anything, but she had no doubt that was the point. Whatever von Brauch wanted of her, he had not yet finished.

He closed in on her and paced around her again as he had downstairs, sniffing and snuffling at her. The mingled scent of his outpourings and her own skin was delicious, and he could feel his cock stiffening again already in anticipation. And this time he would not be content with her oral attentions. He wanted to be inside that juicy slit of hers, to feel her stretch before his size and cry out as he filled her. Oh yes, he wanted to hear her cry out, in pleasure... and in pain.

He pulled her roughly to him and kissed her, tasting his spunk on her breath, and she responded automatically, frustrated by being denied her pleasure earlier, eager for it now. He manoeuvred her against one wall and thrust against her so she could feel how stiff he was for her.

Lilia felt his thick cock against her thigh and realised that, enemy or not, she wanted it again, she wanted to taste it again and feel it inside her. She wanted him. She closed her eyes and surrendered as his huge hands ran all over her, sliding under the fabric of the cloak and massaging her nipples into stiff peaks, slipping lower to play on her thighs, her arse, and in the coils of her fur. His fingers were rough, determined, and yet sensitive too, as if he knew exactly what she would like and how she wanted him to treat her. A little rough, a little pain amidst the pleasure.

He slid one hand between her legs and roughly explored the soft folds of flesh, before pushing two thick fingers inside her. She knew from how easily they went in that she was wet there, and as they sank deeper inside her she moaned with rising excitement. His fingertips were right at her cervix now, deeper perhaps, and he had taken complete control of her. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, for even as one was working inside her, sliding wetly in and out and gradually introducing more fingers into her responding hole, another was cupping her breast and feeding her nipple into his hot mouth, and still another seemed to be on her arse, pulling her closer towards him. Yet another hand snaked around her waist from behind and stroked her belly, while another fingertip traced a ticklish line down the back of her thigh, to the point behind her knee that made her go weak. How was it possible that one man should so completely possess her, touch every part of her at once?

Lilia opened her eyes and saw at once that it was no longer just von Brauch who touched her. She flinched as she saw two, three more pairs of hands, disembodied and writhing out of the darkness, and would have screamed had not von Brauch's mouth still been on hers. The wall against which she was pressed seemed alive with hands, with groping fingers reaching out to her. She didn't know what fresh game this was, but she decided after a moment of their collective digits working all over and inside her body that she actually rather liked it.

"Good girl," hissed von Brauch, feeling her moment of panic and the subsequent relaxing of her tense muscles. He buried his face in her throat and drooled wet kisses over her skin, probing his last finger into her slit so that all four were pushing into that wet tunnel, while his thumb made itself useful rubbing her clit.

Lilia cried out as he rubbed her clit faster, his thumb hard and resolute, his fingers splayed out inside her, gently pushing to see how far they might travel. The unknown men's hands still groped and played on all parts of her body beneath the cloak, and the stimulation of so many places at once was overwhelmingly intense. She could no longer be rational, think about how she was being assaulted by three, maybe four men all at once. She could only feel the burning ache inside her that promised an explosive orgasm in the very near future.

Von Brauch's fellow soldiers, whose hands crept through the strategic holes in the wall of the play-room, worked by instinct and sensation on the body of the woman they could not see. It fell to their Kommandant alone to see her, to watch as the rosy tint of arousal suffused her skin, as her eyes dilated with excitement, but they could well imagine it. They could hear her soft cries through the thin wall, cries that rose to a vowel-less moan as they drew her closer to the climax.

Von Brauch watched as his soldiers' hands helped him tantalise this woman's flesh into crisis. She had already proven herself open-minded; now she proved herself a worthy match for his own perversion. He would enjoy seeing where – if anywhere – she drew limits. Perhaps, alert to the danger of being in enemy territory, she would let anything be done regardless of her own preference.

He growled with pleasure at that thought and snuffled her throat again, his tongue tasting the salt of her flesh. She tensed suddenly, and he knew the moment was upon her, and as she cried out in excruciating pleasure, he sank his aroused fang-teeth into the flesh of her throat and tasted her blood. She was too aroused to feel pain yet, but soon it would come.

Lilia, in the throes of a violent orgasm that tore through her whole body at once, felt the sharp prick of her skin breaking open, but even that pain, that awareness, could not stop her orgasm, and she surrendered herself helplessly to its force. She felt von Brauch’s hand inside her, the spasmic clenching of her muscles around his fingers as she came, and the dribble of her juice running down her thigh, before another unknown hand smeared it into her skin.

As the shuddering waves subsided, the pain in her throat flared up sharply, and she moaned and wriggled, trying to escape it. Von Brauch eased his swollen teeth out of her flesh, and licked his rasping tongue over the wounds to staunch the flow of blood. No point letting her bleed out just yet, when there was plenty more fun to be had of her first.

She looked drowsily at him, loss of blood and control combining to make her weak. She felt his arms around her, holding her up, supporting her against the wall, as the unknown men's hands silently vanished through the wall again and left her alone with this... man?

"What are you?" she said, and her voice sounded dry and hollow in her ears.

He smiled, and for the first time showed her plainly his extended teeth. "Do you not know? Or do you just not yet believe?"


Lilia came to out of darkness, and found herself lying on a couch draped in furs that were soft and warm against her skin. She could not remember a couch in the room she had last been in, nor could she remember being moved. All she could remember was intense pleasure, and then... She tried to raise one hand to her throat but found that she could not move. Was she tied down? She didn't think so. Then why could she not move? And where was von Brauch?

She struggled to rise but could not do that either, and fell back against the furs in frustration. Where was she? What had he done with her?

"Don't worry," soothed a soft voice from somewhere behind her head. "When the pain is over, there will be eternal pleasure."

Lilia wriggled frantically on the couch, trying to see who this new intruder into her evening was.

A pair of cool hands descended on her shoulders, holding her gently but firmly in place. The fingers were white, unnaturally white, like an old painting, thought Lilia. The nails were glassy and long, and thin blue veins stood out on the backs of the hands as though the skin was mere paper. Somehow, Lilia sensed this was another being like von Brauch, though her mind reeled to think what he was any more. Her mind kept saying the word over and over, but she couldn't accept it. This was 1942, not 1542, for God's sake!

"There are no such things as vampires," whispered the stranger, as though reading her captive's mind. She laughed, a tinkling, musical laugh with a note of harshness to it. "Perhaps it is time you opened your mind to the possibility of the impossible, Fräulein Diemschutz."

The stranger stepped around from the head of the couch and Lilia saw her for the first time. Ok, maybe we are in 1542 after all, she thought with a jolt. The woman was so utterly out of time that it took her breath away. She was tall, thin, translucently pale-skinned, and dressed head to toe in purple velvet. If she herself wasn't four hundred years old, it looked as though her dress might well be.

Lilia drowned in the sight of her, her mind collapsing in on itself to realise that if von Brauch was a monster of modern making, this woman was truly ancient. The age seemed to radiate out of her, despite the unlined youth of her face. Her eyes seemed shadowed with the knowledge of centuries, her movements were so graceful and simple, so unlike those of modern women. She was something entirely new to Lilia's awareness, and yet at the same time unspeakably old.

"Good," smiled the woman, revealing tiny, sharp teeth behind her crimson lips. "Now it will be easier for you."

Lilia swallowed and tried to speak. Her throat rasped with sudden fear and a sense of formless unease. "What will be easier?" she managed eventually.

The woman sank to the ground beside the couch with a lupine smile, her violet eyes glittering hungrily. "You surely did not think you were leaving so soon?" she teased, before her mouth slammed into Lilia's throat in a blaze of scarlet agony, and darkness descended once more.


When she came to this time, it was to find von Brauch's face leering over hers. The strange woman seemed to have disappeared, and Lilia wondered if perhaps she had imagined her, a hallucination brought on by fear and pain and exhaustion. Maybe von Brauch had put something in the wine after all...

He smiled, and Lilia saw the same sharp white teeth the woman had had. She felt the pain in her throat and her chest, the effort of breathing, and knew it had been no hallucination.

She tried to rise but he held her down, seemingly with no more effort than if she had been a rag doll.

"I can take the pain away, Fräulein," growled von Brauch, leaning closer to her until she could smell his bloody breath. "You only have to ask."

She stared up at him, his face swimming in and out of focus as she fought to stay conscious. She knew, with the primal awareness of the dying, that she was not long for this world, and that he had it within his power now to take her life, as easily as sipping the last dregs from a wine glass. The woman – that thing, horrific creature despite her beauty – had drained her almost to death, and though her mind struggled to stay alive, her body longed to just let go and float away from the pain and the effort of living.

Her eyes filled with tears, and von Brauch blurred into a riot of white skin, scarlet mouth and dark, dark eyes. He drew closer, and in a moment of animal urgency lashed out his tongue to taste the salt of her tears as they rolled down her cheeks.

Lilia could not stop him, could not fight, and some tiny part of her deep inside longed just to surrender to it and let it all be over.

"You must ask," urged von Brauch. "I will gladly give you this gift, but you must want it."

"You cannot force me?" quizzed Lilia, trying to force sarcasm into her voice.

He hesitated and Lilia could not read his expression.

"It is better to come willingly," murmured a soft female voice. "Why would you not?" The woman came into view, and slowly into focus. "If we leave you now, your body will soon die. Your life will be over, unfulfilled, incomplete. But if we share this gift with you, you will have eternity in which to achieve anything you wish to."

"We are not meant to have eternity," sighed Lilia with a struggle. "At least, not in the body."

The woman laughed sharply, her eyes glittering with amusement. "A man-made God, and rules to keep you all in your place like mindless sheep," she sneered. "I am offering you the chance to become your own God."

Lilia met her shimmering eyes for a moment and then looked away. Compared to her, von Brauch seemed positively human. "Please," she said softly, "I don't want to die like this."

Von Brauch fixed his expression and his eyes were suddenly as dark and deep and menacing as the woman's were light and sparkling. "Then don't," he said abruptly. "Live. It's a simple enough choice."

There is no bond between us then, thought Lilia with a shock, and you will not save me. She had been stupid to think that just because they had made a physical connection he would somehow protect her now. He wasn't human, and if he had have been he was still a Nazi; he was the enemy. One less Resistance fighter to worry about, that's all I am.

"She's slipping away," said the woman sharply to von Brauch. "Do it now or she'll be dead."

Lilia opened her eyes and tried to speak again, to say something, anything, to stop him, but as he leaned closer to her and she felt his lips on her throat she suddenly realised that he was her only chance of life, any kind of life, and she closed her eyes again in surrender to him.

There was an audible crunch as his teeth broke her skin and then with a last searing gasp of breath and fire she slipped into unconsciousness again.


It was still dark when she came to. As she drew in a deep breath she was surprised to find all the pain gone from her throat and her chest. She felt energised and refreshed, as though she had slept for days, and yet she knew somehow that she had not. Nothing had changed in this room. Von Brauch was still there, the woman with the ancient eyes was somewhere nearby. No, nothing had changed in this room... except herself.

She sat up, swinging her legs off the couch and onto the floor, and feeling the cool wood of the floorboards beneath her bare feet. It was so dark in the room that she couldn't see von Brauch or the woman, but she knew they were both there.

"Why won't you speak to me?" she demanded, and her voice was loud and ringing in her ears.

The woman laughed musically and stepped out of the shadows, her tone and gestures now entirely different to the cool formality of earlier. She took Lilia's hands in hers and drew her to her feet, then embraced her tenderly, her cool skin tingling against the hot nearly-human skin of her protégée.

"Is she alright?" Von Brauch stepped out of the darkness as well, and looked hopefully at the girl.

"See for yourself," said the woman, unclasping the cloak from Lilia's throat and letting it drop to the floor.

Von Brauch caught his breath. She had been lovely enough to look at as a mortal, but now, even so soon after the transformation, the vampiric blood was coursing through her veins and changing her, ever so slightly. Her curves seemed softer, yet more pronounced; her skin shimmered with light; her eyes pulsed with energy and new life. He wanted her even more than he had done earlier, and his cock stiffened in anticipation.

The woman laughed, and Lilia found herself laughing with her. Whatever else he was, von Brauch was still very much a man, and so hopelessly predictable! She looked over him hungrily, remembering the debaucheries they had already shared, and wondering what fresh amusements were in store now. She sensed that this night was far from over.

"Quite right," said von Brauch approvingly, skimming her mind with as much ease as if she was still human. "I thought you might like to meet the troops."

It was not what she had expected him to say, though in truth she didn't really know what she had expected of him. She knew instinctively that 'meet' was a euphemism of the highest order, and her eyes sparkled at the thought of a whole platoon of men being laid on for her entertainment.

Von Brauch grinned wolfishly, and suddenly grabbed her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her hungrily on the mouth. "It will be so much more now," he promised, from experience. "So much more intense."

"Then let's get on with it," replied Lilia. As she smiled back at him, her new teeth grazed her lip and drew blood, and her senses exploded with the richness of the taste of it. Her eyes glazed in pleasure.

"Sex first, blood later," suggested von Brauch, and both women laughed eagerly and gave him their hands.

[11th March 2007]

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