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I know an angelic visitation when I get one!

Visitor at dawn, my angel lover
Wakens me with soft caresses
The scent I recognise as his
Fills my room with heady expectation
As his fingers trace a labyrinth on my skin
Ancient knowledge he shares with me
In the coils of our tender passion

Incubus mine, your flesh cool and soft
Your breath sweet and fragrant
Incense and memory twined with starfire
You can show yourself to me here
In all your glory, all your sublime beauty
How can I resist you? How fear you?
I know what you are in this place

He comes at first light, my angel
Warm welcome to another day of joy
Sanctuary he seeks in my arms
And finds, flesh and soul conjoined
In blissful union beyond words
My body opens to him in grace
Filled with his eternal spirit

He is the key to my soul
And slips effortlessly under my skin
His lips tasting my blood in love
Sweet rapture of his possession
His arms enfold me, hands travelling over me
Seeking, always finding
What from him I cannot hide

Tender tangle of his smooth limbs
With mine, as we come together
Twining in wordless bliss
He breathes for me when I falter
His mouth filling mine with infinity
His lips a grail of unspoken power
Bringing salvation

I turn to face him, to look upon
The angelic countenance he bears
He shimmers and changes
His form becoming known to me
Man, mortal, lost love, king
Richard not once, but thrice
Within his true name, his true face

Losing my flesh I surrender all
To him, to my radiant lover
Echoes of past and future entwine
As we find resolution in each other
And new awareness grows
Burning inside me with his light
Pregnant and waiting, suspended

Wrapped in the sanctity of his arms
I am reborn each day, deeper and more real
Strengthened by a love divine
Transcendent delirium of passion
The flesh in which I clothe him
The light in which he cleanses me
Our communion through time

Come, angel, bring me your annunciation!
Illuminate, irradiate, impregnate
Every atom I am seeks its lodestone in you
Breathe into me and make me real once more
My morning mate, my light of the dawn
Man and god, angel and demon
My resplendent Gabriel

[7th June 2009]

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