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The Fool and the Priestess

'Treachery and treason – there's always an excuse for it':
Can there be an excuse for your kind of duplicity?
No compensation for those hurt in your fury
Or your empty silences... confusion reigns.
There is no explanation for your actions – is the explanation the excuse?
The excuse does not explain, but forgiveness may be granted if your lust lasts.
Fair Fortune is the golden opportunity you threw away when you left me.
Did you think me mad? Foolish?
Deranged (certainly) through love for you – when you turned aside I felt the weight of despair
Splinter the silver auricles of my heart.
How could you not see? Blinded by your dissocation from my reality you saw no further than tomorrow.

A dog at your heels snapped you a warning;
An eagle in the sky screamed help which you ignored;
Careless of care you went on
Past everything that mattered – everyone who cared – past me, above all others.
I could sit alone on my ivory throne – unaware of the danger about me
Never suspecting how things might change.
I just turn the cards and hope.

[31st December 1991]

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