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Campaign Contents

Tuesday May 04, 2004

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The Ever-growing Pile of Notes:

Character Generation

Includes percentile rolls (chances for something unique), region of birth (grants additional feat & skill, choice race & sub-race, detailed fleshing out of the character, rules for rolling ability scores, selecting the class, and buying equipment.

Special Races

Includes a fairly long list of playable races beyond those given in the Player's Handbook.  Some are more powerful than others and thus will be harder to obtain.  Some are unique; others just...different.

Special Classes

Includes a fairly long list of playable classes (from 1st level) beyond those give in the Player's Handbook.  All these are truly "special" in that they are designed to be more powerful than the core classes.  They are also more difficult to obtain, and the most powerful will rarely be played.  Every core class has a corresponding special class.






House Rules

Every way we've tweaked the core rules should be given a write-up here.  Special combat rules, tweaks on spellcasting, and a whole lot of miscellaneous stuff.

Supplemental Charts

Includes charts for critical hits, critical misses, spell failure results (wild magic), a list of phobias, descriptors for the various ability scores, and book titles one might find on random shelves.


Here you'll find the Character Sheet template.  Also, supporting documentation for many of the unique characteristics of this campaign, including the exhaustive Miscellaneous Percentile table, Regional Benefits table, summary of the pantheon, a revised aging effects table, everything you'd like to know about alchemy, and a primer on socketed magic items.


I've written a few things about this game, but never published any of it.  This is my forum.  Also includes an extremely good article by M. Joseph Young.



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This site was last updated 04/29/04