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Primoz's New Home Page

My page is now created at Angelfire.

It's nice Angelfire has it's own HTML-library.

History of my home pages

My first attempt to build a home page was in 1996. I made my first home page at Geocities. For aboslutely no reason all my pages and files were deleted. Geocities even never answered me why that had happened.

So I decided to make my new home page at Qwikpages. They offer 100 MB of free space. That sounded really nice and I made many pages there. Qwikpages reported they had some problems with the server and somewhere in early March 2001 all my pages were gone. They didn't even appologize or try to explain what happened. I sent them many emails but I got no answers. Again, so many of my pages were gone and all my efforts was put to nothing.

This is my third attempt to build a home page and most definitely I'll save all my pages, files and tools locally.I just hope Angelfire stuff is not like others.

I do have 3 more pages but they are just 'training' ones from the past. In case you want to visit them go to Freeyellow, The Globe and Tripod. But I recommend you stay here and surf through pages in here.

In a certain time I hope to build interesting sites for every visitor.

Enjoy your stay!


©PS 2001