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Statement of Faith



I am a believer of the Living God and that to attain a personal relationship to him according to his inspired word the Bible one must step out on faith and receive his Grace by accepting the gift of Salvation brought about by the virgin birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus, God himself made man. And that this is the only true way of Salvation for the world.


That God is the creator of everything that is, has been and will be, and that he gives us free will to live to please him or to live to please our selfish desires( a.k.a. sin) and that he rewards each person according to those choices although not always in the human time line of what we think is right and just. God is after all God.


That God’s spirit is comforter, teacher, guide, leader, protector, mentor and companion to all who have received the gift of Grace.


That God has made each person in his image for the specific purpose of drawing close to him and being one with him and that each talent, each bit of knowledge, each daily experience, each relationship is individual to each person for the purpose of loving God, Loving God is expressed in praises, honoring him with our daily lives, use of our talents and time in complete submission to his will. Simply because: to love him means to please him. And to please God one must really seek to know him and abide in him.


With all this in mind:


L.L. Martin Artistic and Photographic Services is founded on the life-long principal that what ever talent is given to you by God, is given to you for a reason and must be developed and used for his purposes as he directs. The discovery is that every experience that causes you to develop a talent and/or skill is just another stepping-stone that might be used to follow the God given vision one has as to what their life-long work is.


This is summed up the verse: “Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily unto the Lord.”


You may e-mail Ms. Martin at


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