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Kai's Birthday

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Kai's 5th Birthday!

Last October 26, Kai celebrated his 5th birthday. We gave him a choice to either have a party or go to "Enchanted Kingdom", instead. Well, he chose to go to "Enchanted Kingdom". It was really fun with the kids having a "fright" (ahem..) a time of their lives. Anyway... click on the "Kai's Birthday" link and see how Kai's Birthday Outing went.

A long, lost friend comes back!

Do you all remember "Puns"? Well, after high school she suddenly disappeared, (actually, she got married first before disappearing), then noone ever heard from her since.

Then suddenly, she appears complete with a husband (from El Salvador) and her youngest child, Isabel.

To make a long story short, we had a party at my place with the whole gang, of course! It was a riot!#*@!!! As soon as Aggie or Yella emails me the pictures, I can show you the pictures of the crazy event.