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xBadBoyFourLifex: u kno ever since u started hangin wit steph me,u,fanny,jess never hang out anymore xBadBoyFourLifex: and its ur fualt Littleangel4499: i hang out w. fanny xBadBoyFourLifex: wow Littleangel4499: i kno Littleangel4499: wow xBadBoyFourLifex: u kno wat i eman xBadBoyFourLifex: *mean xBadBoyFourLifex: ur fuckin all our friendships up Littleangel4499: wat do u want me say o im soo sorry ill never hang w. stephaine again il only hang out w/ u n jess cuz it was soo fun wen we hing out man no fuk that if u wanna hang out hang out its not liek jess wants 2 hang w/ me anyways o i should stand in the way of nothin Littleangel4499: ok 1st of im not u or im not jess or im not fanny if u wanan hang out hang out im not stopin u xBadBoyFourLifex: yeh but it was better when we all fuckin hung out Littleangel4499: ok then lets all fukin hang out Littleangel4499: u never ask me 2 hang out xBadBoyFourLifex: and no1 wants to hangout wit u if u smokin and gettin drunk all the time Littleangel4499: ill hang out w/ u guys Littleangel4499: well then i wont smoke Littleangel4499: u happy xBadBoyFourLifex: ever since u started hangin out wit steph everything fuckin changed Littleangel4499: change is good xBadBoyFourLifex: its liek now all of never talk or hangout xBadBoyFourLifex: not that fuckin change xBadBoyFourLifex: and yeh i do kno bout ur thing last year wit u drinkin and smokin and shyt Littleangel4499: well i talk 2 jessica but we fight i dont like fightin w/ her but thats how it is n i talk 2 u n me n fanny r roll doggs down 4 life no fightin there Littleangel4499: ok well if u dont want me 2 do that shit around u i wont Littleangel4499: its that simple xBadBoyFourLifex: yeh but its better if the 4 of us were roll doggs and down for life than just 2 of us Littleangel4499: well we can b Littleangel4499: i thought we were xBadBoyFourLifex: thing is we dont want u doin at all Littleangel4499: but u n jess dont like xBadBoyFourLifex: yeh but liek we used to be Littleangel4499: me anymore Littleangel4499: well that was then this is now xBadBoyFourLifex: its not that we dont liek u anymore xBadBoyFourLifex: its wat u are doin that we dont like xBadBoyFourLifex: dont start wit that that was then this is now xBadBoyFourLifex: shyt xBadBoyFourLifex: i read that book Littleangel4499: well then i wont do it xBadBoyFourLifex: and it had a shytty ending Littleangel4499: lol xBadBoyFourLifex: and i dont want this have a shytty ending Littleangel4499: nothin shitty about it Littleangel4499: cuz its not endding yet xBadBoyFourLifex: just b/c u say u wont do it doesnt mean u wont do it Littleangel4499: well i said i wont n its up 2 2 believe me or not Littleangel4499: if u wanna b roll doggs then u gotta take my word Littleangel4499: wen i say something i mean it xBadBoyFourLifex: look im just sayin ever since u started hangin wit steph things changed and we never hangout xBadBoyFourLifex: and never hangout and have good times hangin xBadBoyFourLifex: dont u miss that?? xBadBoyFourLifex: cuz i shure hell do xBadBoyFourLifex: and i think i can answer for jess sayin she doesn too xBadBoyFourLifex: *does Littleangel4499: yea u guys r cool as hell Littleangel4499: but it wont b the same no more xBadBoyFourLifex: yeh b/c xBadBoyFourLifex: u fucked things up Littleangel4499: mayb between me n u it will but me n jess i dont kno xBadBoyFourLifex: u fucked things up for u and us Littleangel4499: well then yea mayb i did but im not the only one who can fix it Littleangel4499: i didnt fuk things up 4 me Littleangel4499: im fine im havin fun Littleangel4499: mayb between us i did xBadBoyFourLifex: no Littleangel4499: n im sorry bout that xBadBoyFourLifex: between us all Littleangel4499: but i cant ust not hang out w/ steph anymore n automaticllay everythings better it doesnt work like that xBadBoyFourLifex: b4 we all used to be on the same side but now ever since u started hangin wit steph its like we are all takin sides xBadBoyFourLifex: oh u cant?? xBadBoyFourLifex: but u can stop hangin wit us xBadBoyFourLifex: and start hangin wit her xBadBoyFourLifex: see it works both ways Littleangel4499: no i said if i do stop hangin out w/ her everything is not gonna b better Littleangel4499: no dip i didnt mean it like xBadBoyFourLifex: yeh u did Littleangel4499: n about the side shit man u n jess r on one side im on the other Littleangel4499: dont fukin tell me wat i eamnt Littleangel4499: u miss under stood me xBadBoyFourLifex: kno wat fuck it xBadBoyFourLifex: do wat u want xBadBoyFourLifex: i dont want anything to do wit this or u Littleangel4499: i guess this is good byes xBadBoyFourLifex: all u doin fuckin things up Littleangel4499: peace doggie xBadBoyFourLifex: bye xBadBoyFourLifex: dont fuckin talk to me anymore xBadBoyFourLifex: b/c u fuckin ruinin friendships over this shyt xBadBoyFourLifex: and its all ur fault xBadBoyFourLifex: bye