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May 6, 2004


I'm so sick of working on this case-study project. It's really time consuming, it's a bitch, and it never seems to end. I need cloture. My mind needs a break. Day in, day out, I'm only thinking about the next steps on this project. When I actually work on it, things go wrong. The computer begins to crash periodically, and I'm left with nothing again. The only thing that keeps me working on it is my partner. She's so diligent, upbeat, and such a hard worker that I have to work hard for her. Otherwise, I would've chucked this sucker into Lovell's Beach House's backyard. Wouldn't that be something?

So, if you didn't know already, I'm going to use this space to rant and rave about architecture stuff. So I guess I should say Hi to Hugo and Seth first since my non-architecture friends won't really care to read this...maybe except Tina. Anyway, I hope you're all working on your projects as diligently as humanly possible. And please, don't cut your fingers, veins, or the people around you.

Alright. I'm pooped from sitting on this chair for so long. It's time to go sit down and enjoy a nice cold MARTINI!