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Issue 102   Nov/Dec 1997
Of the more than 400 names for God that we find in Scripture, at least 100 specifically apply to Jesus. Each name is a window through which we see Him more clearly. Such seeing leads to knowing. In the case of One as flawless and winsome as Jesus, knowing leads to loving. And loving Jesus is our paramount pursuit.
We cannot examine every name of Jesus on these two pages. We hope, however, to get you started and whet your appetite for further study.
11. Review the special section articles and your completed Bible study chart. What new observations have you made about Jesus?

12. What aspect of Jesus’ nature or calling would you like to know more about? How might you pursue that topic further?

13. In conclusion, write your own “mini-article” entitled “What I Love About Jesus.” Ask a friend to do the same, then share the results with one another and spend time praising the Lord for His peerless perfection.

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