Isaiah 42:16     Along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth ...

I took my seat in the middle section of a small local theater, but my mind was not on the performance about to begin. Pesky worries whirled around in my head. Should I take early retirement from my part time nursing job? Recently I’d felt pressure from the administration. But how would I support myself then? To make ends meet, I will have to move. Where to? I shivered at the thought of leaving the security of friends and family. So many life-changing decisions at a time when I felt weak and vulnerable.

The theater darkened. The curtains on stage parted. A beam of light coming from the control room behind me illuminated the stage. Lord light up my life like that, I thought. I need more light to make wise decisions.

Halfway through the first scene, an usher came down the aisle, guiding two latecomers. The flashlight he held formed a small circle of light at their feet. Slowly, he moved ahead to the appropriate row; then he shone the light onto two vacant seats. He waited patiently until the man and woman sat down. Then he turned off the flashlight and walked quietly back to the entrance.

That’s how I lead you! The thought was crystal clear, as though I heard God speaking. As you read My Word and obey it, you’ll have enough light to know what step to take next. And then there’ll be more light for the next step, and the next. Trust Me. Have I not promised to get you safely to the right place?

Thankfully, I relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the play.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the light of Your presence.

-Helen Grace Lescheid 1