The Impact of "I Am" Questions
Exodus 3:1-15

  1. What do you think God was trying to communicate when he called himself "I AM" ?

  2. What is God’s name to you? I AM: "fill in the blank" forgiving, loving, patient, tough, with you, all you’ll ever need.

  3. How does "I AM" uniquely designate God?

  4. What do the following verses tell you about the reverence due to God’s name? Lev 22:1-3, Dt 28:58-63, Ezek 36:22-23

  5. What does it mean to call on the name of the Lord? (Gen 4:26)

  6. Is there any relation between what you "call" God and your particular need at that moment in your life?

  7. How does this relate to the title "I AM - Jesus’ invitation to know Him"?

  8. What does the word invitation mean?

  9. Why did God use a burning bush to get Moses’ attention? It would add a lot to movies like the Ten Commandments? It signaled the beginning of a new and more intimate relationship with him? It would help Moses remember his calling later when he really needed to? The fire emphasized how Holy the event was?

  10. Has God ever tried to get your attention and commitment to accept a new mission in life? How would you likely respond if He called you by name?