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iggle Worm World

unny Fictional Facts

* Earth~Worm * Mama~Caterpillar
* Grub~Worm * Book~Worm
* Nightcrawler * Inch~Worm
* Glow~Worm


The first * Wiggle worm in our life is * Book worm, leave her a note at She keeps Pace with the Horrors of the world. King Steven takes her to the most fabulous cafes around. Their favorite dish is Spicey Anne Rice. The next * is * Grub worm, you can't visit him at this time, he's out! Grub worm is a D J of sorts. He loves to "rock-n-roll"!

The next * in this happy worm world is * Nightcrawler. He lives in a computer. NC, as all his friends call him, complies with all the rules and regulations. He resides in a glamorous enviroment. Pen him at The next is * Inch-worm. * What can I tell you about
Inch-worm,She lives in a very "busy Mothers world. She has Teen-agers. You can't reach her, the tunnel hasen't been dug yet to make contact. Perhaps one day soon.
The baby * in this family * Glow worm; she comes out mostly at night. She hates lights brighter than herself, she "glows alone". You can find her most nights at but wear your shades. * Glow-worms other half is * Tater-worm. We don't see him much; he goes to Idaho often,worms travel slow. * Earth a warm, fuzzy worm. He can be found most "daze", nodding in his chair. * can be called at is always ready to chat. He especially likes to argue with the TV 'cause they can't argue back. Mama * is known in these parts of the worm world as * Mama-Caterpillar.
She has a "can of worms" to open daily, which accounts for her busy life. Grass doesn't grow under her feet. Squiggle her at It is all a
worm world's day. * That is all for now until the next earth~moving event. Be sure to sign my * guest book. Wiggle in anytime.

Do you know what Noah said to his sons,when he saw them fishing over the side of the ARK ??? "Be careful, those are the only two worms we have."


Earth~Worm :{{{{{{>
Mama~Caterpillar :%%%%%¬
Book~Worm :((((>
Grub~Worm :}}}}}}>
Inch~Worm :[[[[[>
Nightcrawler :OOOOOO¬
Glow~Worm :CCCC>
Tater-worm :„„„„„„>


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This page was last updated Tue May 19 11:17:16 1998 Pacific time