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Sartex 2002

Sartex 2001

Sartex 2000

Team Delta Operatives




SARTEX (Search And Rescue Training EXercises) is an interactive and modified simulation of aspects of combat search and rescue, first perfected in the Vietnam War. War in any form yields human nature in its worst, and best forms. We have elected to focus on the latter. Heroism, selflessness, leadership, sacrifice for the man next to you -- ideals that are indeed extraordinarily honorable and pure of heart.

CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue) embodies the spirit of giving. Yet to save your fellow man, to defend your brother, you're obligated to take your enemy's life. And that is the hypocrisy of CSAR.

During the Vietnam War, aircrews that were shot down by North Vietnamese ground forces faced the unpleasant reality of being captured. United States Air Force helicopters (Jolly Greens) were tasked with recovering these aircrews but were soon found to be out-gunned and very vulnerable.

In response, the USAF outfitted these rescue helicopters with mini-guns, armor, and trained the rescue personnel (PJ's) on-board in para-medicine, survival and advanced rescue procedures. Search and rescue now involved massive amounts of firepower, coordination with tactical fighter-bombers, helicopter gunships, etc. so that no one would be left behind.

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 In 1997, the idea was introduced of a Christian-based activity that could have the positive ideals and morals of selflessness, heroism, and leadership yet be aggressive and competitive in nature. Teams that participated were forced to work together as a unit, an army of one -- and unit integrity (trust) was formed.

Over the years, SARTEX has evolved to include practical life-skills such as first-aid, swimming, delegation, communication, decision-making and leadership, yet utilizes the interesting medium of combat to encourage these lessons.

In its basic form, a SARTEX engagement consists of two teams that each must recover a stretcher from the enemies territory. Weapons are hidden throughout the engagement area. The stretcher can never be left behind and individualism is discouraged. Units must form a workable plan of defending their "patient" from OPFOR (OPposing FORces) to win.


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