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Electronic Portfolio




Personal Statement


Hello my name is Jared and this is my Electronic Portfolio. Here you will find some of my work that will be displayed for you to see. It will contain writing, presentations, and lots of stuff related to English. I have many goals in life, but my number one priority is to graduate from High School with no C’s, but all A’s and B’s. From then I wish to graduate from college, and be a professional musician, with many recordings and songs composed. From then on I want to start a family and have kids of my own. Thanks for coming and feel free to explore.


Essential Habits of Life

·         I accept increasing levels of responsibility.

·         I have an increased capacity to communicate appropriately with others.

·         I am willing to take a stand for my beliefs.

·         I am willing to change my mind when it is appropriate.

·         I am someone who can be counted on to meet deadlines.

·         I am someone who keeps my word.

Qualities of a Wise Question

·       Must make you think at a higher level.

·       Must include curiosity and perspective.

·       Must be relevant.

·       Requires maturity and common sense.

·       Includes concrete details; not just based on commentary.






Author’s Study

Shakespeare Page

To Kill A Mocking Bird


English Links


Greek Latin Roots



UC Davis







