Rog had heard about the fossils found on the moon. At about 5 miles below the moon's surface, scientists began noticing "anamolies" in the internal structure of some of the rocks during their routine neutrino bombardment analysis. The neutrino beam can scan solid rock and give a computerised 3d image of the inside, just like the old MRI scans of the early 21st century. Some of the rocks at this level had higher traces of carbon, and furthermore these carbon veins seemed to trace out "organic" looking structures in the rocks, a jawbone here, a fin here, a tail or part of a backbone there. A project was underway to meticulously scan more or all of the rocks excavated during regular mining and building procedures on Luna.

Rog had worked for some neo-evolutionists while on COP. In the middle of the 22nd century it had been determined that the theory of evolution was weakened against the weight of stronger, more established scientific theories that seemed to discount evolution as an origin to species and the near impossibility of the probability of a random spontaneous connection of amino acids in just the right sequence to produce a stable self-replicating molecule, or The sencond law of thermodynamics pretty much killed the idea of the molcule then going on to produce "more" order (unless of course you invoke "negentropy", but this only applies to "living" things and not to inanimate amalgomations of atoms). The NE's were busy making as complete a database as possible to be shown holographically with the carbon traces enhanced. The NE's were busy looking for transitional elements, a half lung half gill, fin/foot, compound/single lens eye, etc...