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whats up??? So I made this web page to show people who I am. Here's a little information about me. My name's Elesha. I'm 16, and my b-day is August 24. I'm a sophomore at Mississinewa High school. I have one sister and I live with my parents. My favorite color is blue but my favorite color to wear is pink (lol). I like to read (I love to get lost in a good book). I also like to write poems and stuff. I'm taking photography in school and am tempted to make a career of it. I love making home movies. I've made quite a few interesting ones. Well now you know some stuff about me so check out the rest of my web site and enjoy!

This is a pic of me. Don't I look cool? Well click on it and it will be really big.

I love to get emails from people so if you'd like to here is my email-address. I'll be expecting one from you!