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1. Sign up to be a volunteer. There are numerous jobs that needs to be done. Some are very easy to do but time consuming so help is needed. If you are interested in being a volunteer please join the mailing list in the box below and I will contact you.

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2. Help distribute missing child posters of Teekah. (Click here for a printable poster to distribute in your area of the United States.) Volunteers needed from EVERY state. If you know a friend or relative in another state please ask them to join our poster program and have them post her poster in their area since she can be anywhere in the United States. Please e-mail me if you are going to be posting posters and/or having somebody in another state post them so I can keep tabs on which states are being covered with posters of Teekah.

3. Missing children website surfing: As I was surfing the Internet I noticed some of Teekah's website information on some of the missing children sites is either outdated, incorrect, or information needs added to it to help find her better such as adding the official website information, some sites do not have her reward posted, and various other things need to be changed, deleted, or added. I need volunteers to e-mail me and let me know if you can help with this and I will give you a list of things that needs to be done to make her information more useful to others. By adding the new information also it will get her face out there better and faster.


  • Malls, beauty salons, & individual stores.
  • Schools, Colleges, and Daycares.
  • Hospitals, clinics, Dr.'s offices.
  • Churches, Theaters, Performing Arts...check to see if they have programs printed up and request Teekah be posted on the back of their programs. Leave extras with each place.
  • Restaurants (Especially 24 hour ones along highways.)
  • Rest areas, truck stops, & campgrounds. (Give extras to any trucker that is willing to take some on his route. Most all trucks are willing.) Also at campgrounds ask if you can leave a stack on the counter of all campground check-in counters so people traveling can see it. Request that they ask each camper to take at least one poster and post it at their next destination.
  • Sporting events, Concerts, or anywhere a large number of people will be passing through. (If they have programs ask WAY in advance if they will put her info. on the back.
  • Local media...ask local media if they will help spread the word and include the website addy.
  • Business offices and high traffic areas. (Ask before posting.)
  • Gas stations, arcades, especially along highways.
  • When going on car trips....long or short always take a stack of posters with you and distribute all you can. Be responsible posters and ask when needed before posting. Don't throw them around and cause a huge littering problem. Do not post in areas that you are not supposed to. They can actually fine you for doing this.
  • Ask locally owned food delivery places if they will tape a poster to each food delivery.
  • Any business, restaurant, or social group that has a mailing list or newsletter please ask them to include Teekah in their newsletter. Again, make sure to include the website url link so others can read more on Teekah.


  • Changes last made on: Wednesday, October 15, 2003

    All images and content on this web site are property of "Angel Grafix Designs" and may not be reproduced without express permission. This web site was created & designed by "Janetl"© of Guarding Angels Of America...1997-2003 Angel's Grafix Designs, which began May 01, 1997.